Gaming pc or gaming laptop?


Mar 16, 2013
Now, I have a choice between a gaming laptop or a gaming computer.
I am in 1st year of 6th form and it's 1 more year then I go to Uni, don't worry I am still studying loads.
I go round to my friends house to play, like a week a year, so the laptop is obviously great for portability. The downside is that it costs a lot of money, being a laptop.
The computer on the other hand is quite a bit cheaper but not so portable. I can have a bigger screen and is probably a bit better gaming experience. Pro gamers use computers.
Laptop: £1100 roughly, (I am customising it myself)
PC: £800 (not including monitor, including keyboard and mouse). (and customising myself)
I do want to eventually take to Uni but at the moment I am still at home, space at home is not an issue.
Please help and give opinions. Thank you.


Mar 14, 2013
Go for a gaming pc, as it is more cheaper and powerful. Besides the journey of building a pc is fun as you learn more and more every time. Trust me you get double the benefit; more knowledge and a kick ass pc!! Just to let you know, I'm a beginner and i'm almost done building my first pc!