Vsync when i have a 60hz HDTV as monitor

Well the fact that you're using an hdtv doesn't matter in the slightest, and 60hz is the normal refresh rate for monitors.

So you've given us pretty much zero information with which to answer your question.

What games are you trying to play? What is the resolution of that TV? Why do you think you need VSync in the first place? And finally, just to check, do you know what VSync does?
You only need to enable vsync if the screen tearing is noticeable and annoying to you. Screen tearing occurs when there is a delay in the top half or bottom half of the screen image being displayed, so they look misaligned. Vsync eliminates this problem but comes at the cost of lower framerates.

If your current framerates without vsync on is well above 60fps, then yes you only stand to gain from enabling it