Does Bioshock Infinite have user saves?


Thanks guys. I know. I just hate having to wait til I get to a checkpoint to save and quit. Or worse, not being able to save just ahead of a tough place so you don't have to always start back at the beginning. Especially when there's no justifiable reason not to have quick saves. It's not like it costs more to put them in.

I'm playing Crysis 3 now, and these damn checkpoint saves are grinding on me...


Apr 2, 2013
You don't have to worry about the tough parts. When you die during battle you come back to life just as if nothing happened so the enemies are still there. Granted your enemies have a bit more help to compensate for your coming back to life at full health.
Play it on Hard :D
Thats what I'm doing for my 2nd playthrough (though I imagine the hardest part will be wrapping my mind around... well if you'v finished the game you know what I'm referring too).
Though I'v heard that 1999 mode is just ridiculous, takes something like 3 pistol headshots to take down a single guy.

Also, its a Bioshock game. Story over gameplay, with gameplay being excellent.