Thermal Conductivity Higher or Lower? (Thermal Paste)

Apr 5, 2013
i was just browsing for thermal paste when this question just occurred to me.
the thermal conductivity on thermal paste should be higher or lower?

i currently applied paste with Thermal Conductivity: >4.5
but someone on these forums said that the best is 8.5.

But CoolerMaster and Deepcool have paste with >1.85 W/m-K

Be careful with those measurements though, because conductivity doesn't tell the whole story. Other important physical quantities such as howw viscous the paste is, how it cures over time (changes in viscosity and conductivity) are REALLY important as well. It determines how as paste should be used, for example, lower viscosity favours (at the same contact pressure), larger surface areas, so ideally, all else being equal, it is designed for heat-spreader contacts. Where as higher viscosity pastes would work very well for naked die contacts.


Thermal conductivity has units of W/m-K which reads Watts per Meter-Kelvin, so the higher the better, which means for the same measurement of contact zone length ("meter") and temperature gradient ("Kelvin") the higher power ("Watt") can pass through that substance, which means it conducts better.

In general, conductivity is always higher the more "flow". In this case, the thermal flow (heat). In other cases, it could be electrical, etc, etc...


Be careful with those measurements though, because conductivity doesn't tell the whole story. Other important physical quantities such as howw viscous the paste is, how it cures over time (changes in viscosity and conductivity) are REALLY important as well. It determines how as paste should be used, for example, lower viscosity favours (at the same contact pressure), larger surface areas, so ideally, all else being equal, it is designed for heat-spreader contacts. Where as higher viscosity pastes would work very well for naked die contacts.



You are very welcome! Cheers.