Connecting iPhone to my modem and security question

Daniel Vd Molen

Apr 12, 2013
Hello I had two questions.

I got a VDSL modem at home which also has WiFi. I've looked into the menu and I can create a profile for a wireless device. And then I get a wep-key? in capitals. Is this the password I have to insert into my cellphone for connection?
Can I also change this into something else?

I've changed the default pass for this modem to something else. If I had not done this. What would a possible attacker from the internet be able to do to my network or computer?


WEP security is horribly compromised, and has been for years. If that is all your VDSL modem supports, get a different one that supports WPA-2.

Can't 'break in' through the internet with WEP, but anyone in WiFi range can. Your neighbors kid, for instance.

Daniel Vd Molen

Apr 12, 2013
My modem doesn't have a WEP password for the general admin user-pass login. Just a plain user-pass. If I had not changed the admin pass which was ie. admin - 0000. What could my wifi enabled whizkid nextdoor do to my computer hooked on this modem?



The admin or user pwd has nothing to do with WEP. WEP controls access to the WiFi.

But if your modem is set to allow wireless configuration, he can change the settings, and lock you out of your own network.

If you have File and Print sharing turned on, he can print through printer, rummage around in your files.
He can be on your network and do whatever. So if he downloads anything 'illegal' or copyright violation (movies/music), it will be seen to have come from your network. You will be the investigative starting point.