video card kamikazed motherboard?


Apr 18, 2013
Looking for someone to confirm my conclusion that motherboards PCIe slots are done.

When loading games, my gtx280 occasionally looked like a blocked HBO channel of static and freeze the system. Later, even Internet Explorer opening caused this anomaly. Today, its favorite color was Red and more static channels. Video card was overheated.

Gtx280 pronounced dead.

Stuck a spare GTX260 in and no video. Tossed the 260 into another computer, works. Replaced it back in mine, used motherboards video out, and device manager only shows the onboard video, no Geforce.

I suspect the PCIe slot had gone bad, possibly from the 280 likely overheating to have created the initial issue. Poor motherboard design won't allow another PCIe slot to fit and test.

::steps taken::

GTX280 red HBO'd of death
Placed in another computer, D.E.D. Dead

Replaced with GTX260, no video
Double checked PSU requirements, tested with 650 &750
Managed Bios settings (/pass)
Bios video card options failed to display known video devices connected
Placed in spare computer (/pass)
Inspected Device manager (/failed to list video card, just onboard)
reinstalled drivers (/sure why not)
Uninstall & install drivers again (k)
re-seated video card (Got a job offer as an usher)
Tore computer apart, testing each piece separately with and without video card

Known problems
CPU had over-heated due to goo-failure. Redid goo & new heatsink
gtx280 overheated
gtx280 casts static display
ASUS monitor partially resists
gtx280 casts red static display
ASUS monitor rolls over
Foxconn Destroyer motherboard fails to boot bios, no display, no beep codes occasionaly
gtx260 fails to display, fails to show in device manager
gtx260 overheats if just left plugged in while using onboard video (touch test, temp programs won't recognize it.)
no crashdump files from these issues.

System specs

Foxconn Destroyer Motherboard (Total regret)
AMD Phenom 9850 2.50ghz quad
Corsair CX750 PSU
GTX [strike]280[/strike] 260

From the info I'd say that you are right, the bad GPU may have fried your PCIe slot, and you will not be able to use a discreet GPU with this mobo. If you want to use discteet graphics you will need a new mobo.