Computer Information and Systems


Apr 23, 2013
The museum director is delighted with your LAN upgrade proposal and she approves the equipment purchase right away.In fact she asks if you can implement the solution over the week long holiday break,which is only two weeks from now.Her ulterior motive, she confesses , is that a patron will visiting town during that time,and she would like to give him a private tour of the museum.If he's impressed, he might make a significant donation to the museum.But if the displays don't work well, the potential income could be lost.You tell her you will do your best and begin researching how long it will take to order and receive the equipment you have specified.

What kind of lead times do the vendors commit to?

Based on what you’ve learned and your experience with network installation,do you promise the museum director you’ll upgrade the network in two weeks?

If not, how do you justify your reluctance to meet her demands?

If so, what is your plan in case the equipment doesn't arrive on time or in case something goes wrong with the work?