Initial overclock of the i7-3770K - How high?


Mar 1, 2013
Hi, I want to overclock my 3770K, and I'm not sure what kind of increments I should do.

I hear 4.2GHz thrown around a lot as a conservative overclock. And it's as simple as just changing a multiplier. Does this mean that I can bump from stock speed straight to 4.2GHz right away? Or should I do small increments?

If I need to take it slow, what increments should I use to get to 4.2? And from 4.2 to 4.8?

Using an H100i with Noctua NF-F12's.


Read some guides, like what Kaiwanichi posted.

And to start off, set it 4.0 since the 3770K boosts to 3.9 at stock, then stress test. If it passes, raise it to 4.1, and stress test again, and so on. Once you fail the stress test, then you up the voltage, and try again.