Can you delete Windows sidebar from Win 7?

OS: Win 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.

I have been and still am modifying my OS, since Win 7 came out, to suit my wants and needs. My question is: Can you delete Windows Sidebar from "C:\Program Files (x86)\ Windows Sidebar" without any repercussion?

If there is a repercussion what is it? what would happen? <-- just curios so I know.

I do not and have not used it since Vista/2007 ish, when I found out how much system resources it used so not having it will not effect my everyday things I do. Most of my system specs are in my signature if you are wondering.

Also as I have not dug to deep into the Sidebar section of Windows 7, are there other parts of this section/option that are not needed and can be removed? Standard locations will help greatly, but I have heavily modified my file system so what is standard for me is not the same for the rest of the world. Having a 60GB SSD forced me to evaluate what gets put on it so all my user files are on a different drive, as and example.
Then delete it. That folder is in regards to Gadgets. I had it on my Windows (reinstalled last week) and after reading your post, for verification, I went in, removed Gadgets from CP and it deleted that folder in C:\PFx86. So if Gadgets isn't checked, then that folder is residual and unused.


"Sidebar" is Windows name for "Gadget Bar". You can remove it, but you have to go through Control Panel, Uninstall, Turn Windows Features On or Off and it's named Gadget Platform or something close to that. After you uncheck it and click OK, Windows will restart and reconfigure and voila!!

Umm No. You are misunderstanding me. It is turned off. I turned it off when I installed the OS when I bought my SSD and every time I have installed an OS since 2007, Vista and Win 7, which has been many many times. I want to remove it completely from my computer.

Please don't mistake my question as the normal poster that has no clue thanks for your suggestion though :)


Then delete it. That folder is in regards to Gadgets. I had it on my Windows (reinstalled last week) and after reading your post, for verification, I went in, removed Gadgets from CP and it deleted that folder in C:\PFx86. So if Gadgets isn't checked, then that folder is residual and unused.