How does RAM store datta?


Apr 8, 2013
I am writing a paper and cant seem to find this answer. How does RAM store data.
for example, The harddive "writes" 1s and 0s onto the hard disk, but how does RAM store its data?

EDIT: I am writing on a brief history of the computer. RAM in one of the topics and all of the sites I have read say what advancements got made when, but not how it works. And I thought, "Hey I've asked questions on my computer build here and everyone is pretty knoledgable so maybe they can help.I'm sorry If I came across as someone trying to get out of doing some work.
Data is represented as 1s and 0s - not stored this way.

Magnetic hard drives store these by encoding them as magnetic information. Typically two magnetic polarity values that are either the same or opposite.

Solid state hard drives store these by using quantum tunneling to vary the voltage level received when passing current through the semiconductor. The possible voltages as the outcome are then categorized into bands that could represent 1,2 or more bits of information.

for current RAM technologies, you're most likely looking at DRAM, with SRAM being used in CPUs for cache.

DRAM stores these values as charge in capacitors. SRAM stores these values using voltage levels in logic gates made out of several transistors.

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Sep 12, 2006
Data is represented as 1s and 0s - not stored this way.

Magnetic hard drives store these by encoding them as magnetic information. Typically two magnetic polarity values that are either the same or opposite.

Solid state hard drives store these by using quantum tunneling to vary the voltage level received when passing current through the semiconductor. The possible voltages as the outcome are then categorized into bands that could represent 1,2 or more bits of information.

for current RAM technologies, you're most likely looking at DRAM, with SRAM being used in CPUs for cache.

DRAM stores these values as charge in capacitors. SRAM stores these values using voltage levels in logic gates made out of several transistors.

You might want to start with the wikipedia entry on DRAM


May 27, 2011
Very easy. RAM is short for Random Access Memory and it stores data on a HD to be retrieved in any order. ROM is Read Only Memory and is accessed in 1 particular order. Benefits of RAM over ROM is that data transfer is expedited very quickly. The downsides of RAM to ROM is that the information does not last very long, i.e., get's lost when the computer is shut off, as opposed to CD-ROM's which can hold information indefinitely. Hope that helps~ ^_^