Using laptop as a desktop remote


Nov 16, 2007
I am a desktop guy (having built 3 or 4 over the last 15 years), but for my last computer I went with an pretty sweet Gateway P-6831 laptop. Suffice to say I have grown quite accustomed to the portability (I am lazy and like sitting on the couch). The laptop is showing its age, and I need to get a replacement computer. To be frank, the downside of the laptop is how difficult it is to upgrade, customize, and replace broken parts. Also, I don't like the capabilities being limited by size and weight.
All that being said, is there a way to use a new desktop as a hub and use a weaker, cheaper laptop to remote into it? Obviously there are VPN type softwares, but are they really quick enough to do this, allowing gaming, media, etc, to be broadcast over my wi-fi with low latency? Has anyone tried this? All the things I have been able to find are more for enterprise type 'access your dekstop from your hotel' applications.