wondering if this psu will work on my motherboard

Will it work? Don't know. Too many variables to consider. I am neither psychic nor can I time travel. Could be a DOA and it won't work.
Is your PSU compatible with your motherboard? Yes.
Is your PSU compatible with your GPU? Yes.
Is your PSU sufficient to power your GPU? Yes.
Is your motherboard compatible with your GPU? Yes.

A bottleneck is when one or more components in your system is limiting the full potential of one or more components in your system. That may sound strange so here's an example: let's say you have an Intel Pentium G850 CPU and a Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 GHz GPU. The CPU will bottleneck the GPU. In other words, the CPU cannot process data fast enough to keep up with the GPU so the GPU must slow down so it can operate...


Apr 10, 2013
As much as I can see from the picture it's a 24 pin and 4 pin, which the PSU has both of, so that should be fine as far as I can tell.

Can't say I'm knowledgeable enough on the subject to advise on what it can handle overall, but I imagine a 700+ watt PSU should do the trick, though I recommend you look it up on hardwaresecrets.com or something to make sure it delivers what it states.

As for bottlenecking, "A bottleneck is a phenomenon where the performance or capacity of an entire system is limited by a single or limited number of components or resources." - Wikipedia. Like imagine if your CPU was really old, and your GPU was high-end. It may not be able to let the graphics card live up to it's full potential for example.

EDIT: You can see the cables the PSU has in one of the pictures on CM's website. http://www.coolermaster-usa.com/product.php?product_id=3084
Will it work? Don't know. Too many variables to consider. I am neither psychic nor can I time travel. Could be a DOA and it won't work.
Is your PSU compatible with your motherboard? Yes.
Is your PSU compatible with your GPU? Yes.
Is your PSU sufficient to power your GPU? Yes.
Is your motherboard compatible with your GPU? Yes.

A bottleneck is when one or more components in your system is limiting the full potential of one or more components in your system. That may sound strange so here's an example: let's say you have an Intel Pentium G850 CPU and a Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 GHz GPU. The CPU will bottleneck the GPU. In other words, the CPU cannot process data fast enough to keep up with the GPU so the GPU must slow down so it can operate at the speed that the CPU can. Thus hindering the performance output of the GPU.

You've probably noticed this before, but here's a bottleneck in real-life scenario. Let's say you have two driving lanes -- left lane and right lane. Cars on both lanes are moving at a constant 40 mph. But the right lane is closed for construction in a mile. So the cars on the right lane must merge with the cars on the left lane. This will cause a back up on the left lane, resulting in the left lane slowing down to keep up with the cars merging from the right lane. That is essentially a bottleneck.
That's a CM PSU. That means it is inefficient, overrated, and may wander out of spec when stressed. Fortunately, your load is sufficiently light that a quality 300W PSU would be sufficient, therefor most likely your only actual problem will be low efficiency in use. I have not seen a competent technical review yet of that one, so I do not know how good its EMI filtering is, or whether or not it has all of the protection circuits it claims to have (some CM don't).