direct x 11 help

DirectX is basically used for graphics effects (it's also used for audio) and in general it enhances how the graphics looks. However DirectX 11 (DX11) depends on a few things:

1. You need Windows Vista, Win 7, or Win 8. Win XP only supports up to DirectX9.

2. You need a DirectX 11 compatible graphics card. The Radeon started to support it with the HD 5000 series in 2009. GeForce started to support it with the GT/GTX 400 series in 2010.

3. The game itself must be designed to make use of DX11. If you play a game that only supports DX9 (like Fallout 3), then you will not see difference.


Nov 4, 2012
yes is your answer. the only issues i know of CPU incompatibility is with the AMD 8120 CPU with direct x9.c games that have an dx11 mode but once dx 11 is turned on in the game it works fine.