Changing motherboards without reinstalling windows (same chipset)

Hi Guys

back in the day when I got my i5 2500K I went cheap and got an ASUS z68 v/gen3. it worked well for what I got it for. but now I find myself wanting a few more features, and the board itself is a bit finicky. not to mention it seems to be on the bottom of ASUS's to-do list in terms of driver updating.

Anyway, now that we've seen both Ivy and Haswell giving little boost to performance over sandy, I've decided to just go hunt down a cheap nice z68 board to replace my current one, and it seems some cheap top-end boards can be found used on Amazon or newegg. so now I'm wondering if I have to re-install everything (I do have all my data on a separate drive and all), or can I just do some driver updates. what do you guys think?

oh, and I'll likely go with a ROG VI extreme :)

I have been changing mobo a lot lately and I was surprised on how many time I didn't have to reinstall windows.

Most of the time I wen t from asus > asus and no re installation was needed.

I went from msi > asus and no reinstall too.

So I would say try it and the worse that can happen is you will have to reinstall.

How about drivers, did you have to jump through hoops doing a proper uninstall of the old drivers, or can you just write over them?

Thanks in advance :)