Help finding a Gaming Keyboard


May 8, 2013
So im looking for a new gaming keyboard and i was wanting to get others opinions on what they think is the best.

~mechanical or not

I was leaning towards the Siderwinder x4 and there is a current sale on amazon for $40 and seems to have the features im looking for.


May 8, 2013

i am liking the x4 and could get it for 40$ currently, i dont really need a lcd screen on my keyboard. is the x4 a mechanical or no?


Jan 26, 2009

The X4 is not a mechanical keyboard. Is that something you wanted?


May 8, 2013

im still not sure the difference between mechanical or not


Jan 26, 2009
This article might help getting a bit of a better grasp of what a mechanical keyboard is:

I have used both mechanical and non-mechanical keyboards and have found myself still enjoying the non-mechanical ones more than the mechanical ones just because of personal preference. I've had a G15 keyboard for around 5 years now (Same keyboard) and I just guess I got used to the feel of that keyboard and it's LCD.

Feel free to try new things and dont worry too much about what people say (I would still keep it in mind because a shit product is shit lol), because most peripherals are just personal preference.


I upgraded from a generic keyboard to a Ducky Shine 2 9008. And damn bro, it feels so good. :D Get the ones without the backlight if you're worrying about your budget. I bought this one because of the white backlight, but I've realized that I wasted my money on a feature that is useless. I don't type looking at my keyboard, and I don't look at my keyboard when gaming. So the backlight is just for show. LOL Oh well, it is what it is. Goodluck!
Same keyboard as Adimeister, except with a red backlight and Brown switches. It does feel good to type on :D.

Mechanical keyboards have a lot more tactile feel than membrane, on the less linear keyswitches (Brown and Blue) you can feel the actuation point (when they keystroke registers) and you have to push past it. Red and Black keyswitches you don't feel it as much. With your normal membrane keyboard you don't get any feedback until you bottom out (key is depressed fully) and as a result using after getting used to a mechanical it feels kind of mushy to use.

Here a quick breakdown of the common keyswitch types, they are distinguished by colour.
- Blue
Loud, moderate force to press down and you can feel (and hear) the actuation point quite clearly. Considered best for typists.
- Brown
Same as Blue, except it doesn't click on the actuation point. Good compromise between a Red and Blue switch.
- Red
As quiet as a Brown, less force to press down and you cant feel the actuation point as well as you can with Blue/Brown. Are considered best for gaming.
- Black
Most quiet, most force to press of the common keyswitches and cant feel the actuation point at all. TBH I don't know why anyone would want it :p.

There are a couple of others like Clear, Green and I think Yellow but they aren't all that common (though I hear that Coolermaster are starting to release Green keyboards).


I've tried to type on all keyboards, my favorite are the blues and reds. The best thing I like from my blue keys is the sound when they actuate. I don't bottom out my keys so it's not that noisy. I've tried the red, and I don't think it's good for gaming. It's like having a touch screen keyboard. hahaha It's so light to actuate that you need to bottom out all the time to know that it actuated or you've pressed the key. The black is like gym for your fingers, avoid those. Not comfy at all!