WoW or Rift?


Dec 28, 2012
I know you may be thinking this is a stupid question now that Rift is going F2P in a few days... But if Rift is better than WoW, what is the point in paying that $15/month? So my question is if I should upgrade my level 20 warlock trial account to regular battlechest + a free 30 days, or just play Rift?

Also, I know you are just going to say "well try it out for yourself." I know that, and I have, and I think both games are about equal, as I love the PvP in Rift and I love the PvE in WoW... What are your opinions on the two games?


Dec 28, 2012

To be completely honest, i'm fine with WoW graphics since I'm only on a laptop. I can play Rift on high settings with like 40 FPS in open areas, but as soon as I hop into a rift with a lot of people, the game shits all over my laptop and i'm sitting at like 15 FPS, and that's just not fun... I don't care how good the game looks... I guess i'm leaning more towards WoW now since I can play on high with 50+ constant FPS, and I dont have to worry about overheating.



Nov 7, 2011
Depends on your personal preferences. I played wow for about 7 years. The content of a game that is out since 2004 is quite drastically bigger and better than a game that is out for a 2 years if i am correct i think it's 2. Any way to the point RIFT is more difficult to level which creates a rather unpleasant situation of it feeling like a grind. Wow used to be worse but the leveling is now a joke and u can directly jump in. Wow has insanely bigger playerbase which means interaction with other players will be better. PICK A HIGH POPULATED SERVER or full. This is my best advice.

Also RIFT is graphically boring ( it has better graphics in the traditional sense but wow just feels better despite being outdated, something homley about their animation style). PVP in rift is good but i am not a huge fan. WOW pvp is proven to be awesome.

Now rift also doesn't have an insane number of players so tighter community. Personally i would go with WoW as rift pisses me off on a level i cannot begin to describe to you.


Dec 28, 2012

Well i'm only 16 and I'll be working for about $8/hour this summer, so I wouldn't say money is an issue.. I think i'll just pay for WoW and play Rift whenever i'm tired of the grind.



Mar 3, 2013
Blizzard makes the best PC games by a long long shot, not that there arent any other good developers but Blizz is arguably the best game maker int he world. Polish and game play should be king. F2P is nice but 95% of the time its pay 2 win thus its not free. $15 a month for the amount of content is barely pennies in the big picture. Up to you but the new expantion is great and Blizz pushes content fast, should be seeing WoW 6.0 by mid 2014. I palyed Rift its good too, i will play around with it when its free. Free never means better.


Dec 28, 2012

I picked stormrage, so I should be good population-wise. Also, I agree with what you said about the graphics. Sure, you can crank them up to ultra, but you need a kickass computer to even get 50+ FPS, and I also had to inject a custom d3dl just to fucking make it so the colors weren't so dull. I find WoW's graphics much more appealing to the eye.



Nov 7, 2011

To an old wow player like my self RIFT made me want to litterly i do not kid you hate my life. By level 20 both me and my character wanted to kill our selves because that was horrible. I cannot stand ANY mmo but wow honestly after playing it. Star wars the old republic got me somewhere, and guild wars 2 was good until you reach level 80 and discover there is absolutely nothing to do.

Get your nice wow crank up your graphics and play with normal 60 FPS. Enjoy your raids with your friends and do pvp with bunch of people everything is simple and polished and already done. Don't bother with unfinished games with to be announced features it's all just bullshit. I've tried nearly every mmo ever and i assure u nothing beats wow. Guild Wars 2 is very awesome but it's simple as hell.

Total of 15 buttons that i all u get litterly the entire game. 5 main skills that change with your weapon so total of 10 and 5 that you can select total of 15 skills at any given time. IT's dead simple.



I think it's ridiculous to pay for a game every month. It's something which you shouldn't

stand for to be honest. With as much money as the people behind WoW make, they could

create seriously epic things... And go F2P too. But no... So I'd say Rift...


Jul 7, 2009
I've played WoW since '05 and I'm on a hiatus at the moment. WoW has just become stale to me, not sure if its me or where they pulled all the original developers over to 'Titan'. My friends and I have fell in love with League and have been blowing it up, been messing with Path of Exiles as well. Good thing about those, all Free! Which leads me to summarize - Rift :)

A WoW subscription costs about the same as one movie ticket per month.



Yet how many people think it's smart to pay for the same ticket every month.

It's a game. You shouldn't have to pay for it every month. Certainly not over the

course of several years. It's absolutely ridiculous and I hope that subscription-based

gaming dies with WoW. Of course it's a nominal fee, but it adds up. They could easily make

WoW F2P by this point and still be swimming in cash. But they don't; most likely out of greed/buisness



There's plenty other games which have as much content or at least nearly as much; if not at least respectable amounts which you

don't pay for. But that's not even the point. The point is the principle in that you shouldn't be paying for a game on a monthly basis

as if it were just another tax. Instead I believe in offering good deals, such as what Steam is perhaps known for, on the in-game

stuff pertaining to whatever game it is. As well as more rich shops, where there's plenty of good stuff to buy. Donations could even

be an option too or voluntary subscriptions; all for people who wish to simply support a games development. But without gaining

any in-game advantages over non-subscribers. This way players get a choice. If you feel fine with subscribing, you'll be able to do

so. Likewise you'll be free to play your game without having to worry about the amount of cash you're using (which is a real

concern for many people), even if for people like you, it's just a small fee. Either way though, Subscription gaming must die.

Perhaps with less of a cash pool to swim around in, developers will actually be motivated to continually heighten the quality of the

game too; instead of being able to basically rest on their laurels as is the case with WoW.

Well that's a silly and unfounded point. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to have a subscriber model for gaming. It's all about having a reasonable price for the product, and whether the price is reasonable depends on your enjoyment of WoW.


Nov 7, 2011
There are plenty of other games. But i don't think you realize the problem. The problem is we don't find them fun. There are what hundreds of free MMO's and let me tell you they are all time hogging waste of freaking time. In wow you pay 15 up front but there is no bullshit micotransactions like other games, letting you buy gold levels items whatever. Sure in wow u can pay for character services like name change race change. But it's all cosmetic u CAN"T BUY power in wow. How many of your F2P games are cheap asian Pay to win money and time hogging poorly coded awfully looking grind fests.

The beauty of wow is you can jump in and have fun. It's not a grind fest it doesn't take that much time off if u do it properly it's just general fun. Try grinding your self to max level on Aion for example. It equals to having detention in math class writing the same thing over again till u can leave. By level 20 me and my character wanted to kill our selves.

I've TRIED every mmo out there every japanese bullshit game that was at least good enough to become as famous enough for me to hear about it. AND THEY ALL SUCK. I stand by this i can support it with facts all of those games are freaking terrible.

The only 3 GAMES that were ever even remotely good are the following.

World Of Warcraft = Best MMO by far.

Guild Wars 2= Has potential to be better than wow, but they screwed it up by making it too easy.

Star wars the old republic = wow clone in space. ( + F2P and Micro transactions ruined it)

Everything else sucks considerable amount.

There are free to play MMOs that have the same microtransaction policy as WoW, so that's not really a point in WoW's favor. If anything, it counts against WoW; it's a bit galling to pay a subscription and still have a microtransaction scheme trying to nickel and dime you.


Nov 7, 2011

I want you to go right now and find me an MMO that is AS GOOD AS WOW, has a SOLID player base. Doesn't have insane GRIND and micro-transactions for everything and is by definition fun and can be played by anyone. Also i state it must be a game somebody somewhere in EUrope or USA has heard about. So don't go listing me Korean games that nobody ever cared about.

If you can find me a single game that has a solid population is as good as wow generally fun with no microtransactions and not horrific grind fest with cheap asian animation. Than sir i will tip my hat to you and admit defeat.

"As good as WoW" is subjective, so the question doesn't make sense.


Nov 7, 2011

I consider wow to be the top MMO. Not only me but about every other reviewer you can find. So my question does make sense. I want you to find me a free MMO that will be as much as fun as wow is. Enough to make me change my opinion. U know your argument is invalid since wow is more than worth the 15 a month for the content you receive for it.



Nov 7, 2011

I consider wow to be the top MMO. Not only me but about every other reviewer you can find. So my question does make sense. I want you to find me a free MMO that will be as much as fun as wow is. Enough to make me change my opinion. U know your argument is invalid since wow is more than worth the 15 a month for the content you receive for it.

Free MMO's are solid choices when u don't want to pay. But there is not an argument you can present that will make FREE mmo's better. When we talk free i am talking pure free. Not Pay than play like guild wars 2. If u don't want to pay sure u can go free mmo. But if u want to pay than WOW is the game to go to. Fight that if you will.

I hate wow man i hate it i quit it after 8 years. And i would never go back. But that doesn't change the fact it is overall the best MMORPG available. I am desperately searching for something to fill the void but it is impossible. Trust me I've went through this.

That's all subjective. There are a lot of people who consider EVE Online a better MMO than WoW. Same deal for at least a few others. You're absolutely entitled to your opinion about WoW, but you can't expect everyone to share your opinion about what is fun. People like different things.


Mar 13, 2013
World of Warcraft is still #1. in my book. Has been since it released. Truth of the matter is, it's been around longer, it's more polished, it's more perfected and refined. WoW just took a subscriber hit of over 1 million players lost, and they're still #1.

There is a reason Starwars is free to play. There is a reason Rift will be free to play. All of the "wow killers" have come and gone, and NONE of them, ever, stood a chance at mimicking my favorite game on earth.

IMO, stick with WoW, and what ever you do, do NOT base the game off the first few levels, it's a completely different game at level cap, completely different.


Nov 7, 2011

Beautiful answer could not have said it better my self.