samsung 830 series vs 840 series


Apr 8, 2013
I'm planning to build a pc soon and I'm ordering the parts today. Here is the build:

I'm salvaging a optical drive from my current pc. I can't decide between the 830 and 840 series. All reviews say the 830 series is considerably faster, but it costs $25 more, and people on this forums say i won't notice a difference. I use this pc for:

ms office, general surfing, video chatting, hd streaming, some programming, very light photoshop, some gaming (mainly minecraft and fsx right now), and many of these things at the same time. Will I notice the difference. I have also heard that the 830 series lasts longer because of a different technology. Which should I get?

And also, what do you think of the build as a whole? Are there any better mobos at that price point? I want one that supports sli and is at least decent for overclocking.
You are not going to notice any difference between the 830 and 840 speeds.
Take a look at Tom's Hardware speed specs of the SSD's, where you can find comparative speeds of the 128GB 830, 840 & 840 Pro solid state drives. You have to choose the speed test, then filter it by Samsung, and you have the specific numbers. Here is the link:,129.html

The cost is higher, but the 840 Pro is the fastest at present.


You are not going to notice any difference between the 830 and 840 speeds.
Take a look at Tom's Hardware speed specs of the SSD's, where you can find comparative speeds of the 128GB 830, 840 & 840 Pro solid state drives. You have to choose the speed test, then filter it by Samsung, and you have the specific numbers. Here is the link:,129.html

The cost is higher, but the 840 Pro is the fastest at present.


That's a great SSD! If this is your first SSD in your computer, you are going to be very surprised at the speed.
Check the Samsung website. They have a new cloning application now that Ghost is no longer produced, and the new SSD Magician. It's worth downloading and printing out the PDF user manual.
Consider using the overprovisioning feature, since it is supposed to prolong the life of the drive by giving it a small % of space for optimization and trim utilization.