Do you prefer gaming with shadows or not?

Fury Dharok

Apr 28, 2013
Personally i prefer without shadows, it removes those dark areas where you cant see anything and makes the game much smoother without it.
For performance you are right, but if you can get away with it, I find they give the game more depth. I have turned them off in some MMO games because they ARE a performance hit in large battles.

I would sooner turn off ambient occlusion(while it gives a shadow like effect) or turn down/off AA to improve performance.

This is a personal preference for each user.

Can you make this a poll? would be interesting to see the results.
Depends on the game, but in intense multiplayer tourneys, I find it can hurt you. I was big in F.E.A.R. along time ago, and was in tourney, and that game had lots of hiding spots with shadows and lights you could shoot out to darken the area to hide in, and first round I got toasted, thinking I was hiding in spots that the other player couldn't see. After that round, did some adjusting to my settings with shadows off, and adjusted the lighting and all those dark spots all of a sudden weren't dark anymore and had the same light as the rest of the room, so I knew why I was able to be seen.

I play Battlefield Play for free, and on Max detail, when someone throws a smoke grenade, you can't see anything. On low detail, there is no smoke and you can get mowed down.

For single player modes, I like everything turned up to get the full experience. For multiplayer, I tend to turn some things down, getting max FPS and distance viewing without stupid effect like smoke or flickering lights getting in my way, because as pretty as it can look, it can cost you in a multiplayer match and you have no idea what settings they are running on or have tweaked to have an advantage. That is the one benefit to console gaming multiplayer, you know everyone has the same settings turned on because they can't change them.


Feb 2, 2010
In FPS games i turn shadows of fbecause most of them is very fast paced and i do not notice or look at the shadows when thinking about shooting on target. But in RTS and RPG games usually try to play maxed out.In skyrim when shadows are at low it can really look bad at some points. I am currently running a GTX 460 but will be getting a GTX 670 next month and when i get that new GPU i will still play with shadows off.

Get a 770 if you can find one. Should be priced near the 670 and out perform the 680 :) . The titan cooler is also a nice touch.

Jeremy Allen

Jun 12, 2013
>:O Shadows are a vital part of the game IMO! I use the shadows every game. You can see enemies around corners before they see you with shadows and more. That just my personal opinion!