Windows 8 Problema Audio


Jun 15, 2013
Salve a tutti.

Mi scuso se non mi sono presentato, lo farò non appena risolvo il problema che mi sta causando Windows 8.

Due giorni fa ho disinstallato Win7 e ho installato Win8, tutto OK, ma nel momento che installo i driver Audio della Scheda Audio integrata alla MOBO (AsRock z77 pro 3) e riavvio il Sistema, l'audio è ancora mancante.

Ho provato di tutto, a reinstallare i driver, a disinstallarli e reinstallarli, ho provato varii Software in grado di cercare Driver mancanti, ma Niente. Zero. Nada.
L'audio non ne vuole sapere di ritornare.

Nei Dispositivi di Riproduzione è Presente:

Realtek Digital Audio

Di cui SOLO l'Audio Digitale è attivo e di conseguenza non esce alcun suono dalle casse interne del Monitor (HP w1907v)
Gli Altoparlanti che sarebbe l'audio Analogico mi dice che è Scollegato anche se il Jack è attaccato perfettamente.

Sono disperato, ho provato 1000 modi diversi per risolvere sto problema, addirittura ho reinstallato win7 per verificare che non fosse la Scheda Audio andata, ma in win7 l'audio c'è e funziona come Dio comanda.

Perfavore, aiutatemi.


This is an English forum AFAIK.

I would usually leave it at that but I'm feeling generous so I will leave you a hint at the bottom. I await your response.



Jun 15, 2013
Hello to all.

I apologize if I did not come, I will not just solve the problem that is causing Windows 8.

Two days ago I uninstalled and installed Win7 Win8, all OK, but when I install the drivers Audio Sound Card integrated into the MOBO (AsRock z77 Pro 3) and reboot the system, the audio is still missing.

I've tried everything, reinstalling the drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling, I've tried various software that can search Missing drivers, but nothing. Zero. Nada.
The audio does not want to come back.

In Playback Devices is Present:

Realtek Digital Audio

Of which ONLY the Digital Audio is active and therefore there is no sound from the internal speakers of the monitor (HP w1907v)
Speakers that would be the Analog audio is Offline tells me that even if Jack is attached perfectly.

I'm desperate, I tried 1000 different ways to solve the problem I am, I even reinstalled win7 to verify that the sound card was not gone, but in win7 the audio is there and works as God intended.

Please, help me.



If I am a douche for suggesting that someone abide the rules of the forum then you are a douche for suggesting that I don't and respond without telling him. I helped him, and ultimately he would have received no response from you or anyone else had I not made him repost in English. Don't naysay because the fact is his post had been up for long enough before I answered with no answers.

He is speaking about a 3.5mm jack audio out on the back refusing to autodetect when a device is plugged in. On some models of board, the particular devices for the stereo outs on the back will not be enabled unless the sound card detects something is plugged into them, and the detection system has failed. I'm gonna do some research on why and I will come back with a solution when I have finished work. Feel free to beat me to the punch if you wish.



Yes, in silence. It's not functional but that doesn't stop his PC from being functional. If he has speakers I doubthe has any other way of getting sound out of the PC, or at leastways he wants to use.

Yomo, have you checked here for the settings that disable auto-detect?