GTX 780 SLI or GTX 770 SLI


Jun 11, 2013
Which one would anyone who responds recommend. I'm not too worrysome about budget, but 2 GTX 780's is a lot of money. Wondering if the extra performance is worth the extra cash.

I want to be able to play current high-end games like Battlefield 3 and Crysis 3 with max settings if not very high on a 3 monitor setup 5760x1080. I would also like to be able to play next-gen games like Battlefield 4 and Watchdogs with very similar settings to that of current-gen games.

Also how futureproof do you think the graphics setup would be?

Furthermore, any opinions about the monitors would be greatly appreciated (proposing Dell S2340L's). Would these be good for Nvidia Surround, if not, any other good monitors for the job?
No that is not possible. You can not play Crysis 3 on very high on even two GTX 780s.
Even a Core i7 4770K along with Four x GTX Titan ($4000) can not give you steady 60 FPS on that resolution and settings.

Forget about that and rest of the stuff, GTX 770 should max out. That card alone can max out most of the games out there except Crysis 3, etc and two of those would be awesome enough to let you play whatever game you like (again except Crysis series) on maxed out settings.

I would recommend this monitor -

Good Luck!

And no I can't help out with future stuff, didn't got the powers of an omniscient yet. :)


Jun 11, 2013
Alright so maxing out Crysis 3 is near impossible or impossible with most cards today at 60 FPS with the resolution, would I expect maybe 30 - 50 FPS or lower with the GTX 780 or GTX 770, or is it still too demanding?


Apr 28, 2013
I recently had 2 gtx 680's sli and went to 780's. I noticed a huge improvement on my 2560x1600 monitor! The 770's are basically 680's with modified bios for higher clocks which can be achieved with a little overclocking. The evga acx 780 model overclocks like a beast. I went from 40-45 fps in crysis 3 at 1600p to over 60 fps. All other games like metro and bf3 had significantly higher improvements in fps but we all know how crysis 3 is the king of fps dismay!! Get the 780's and don't look back. I see the NV team releasing drivers that give better performance down the line this year.


Aug 26, 2011
Also, you mentioned you don't care much for a budget but let's be honest, a little bang for buck is always better right? If you agree, I'd suggest one or two HD 7970.

Take a look at this:,18.html

At high resolutions a 7970 is often better than a GTX 770 and costs less. Power consumption is a tie. It also scales very well with CrossFire on some games like BF3. So unless you have something against AMD, in this case I would suggest the red team.

If you have to go with nVidia, I'd suggest a GTX 770 and then eventually when you feel the need for more power, you can just buy another one and there you go.

I hope I helped. :)


Jun 11, 2013
Also for the monitor I've looked at the VE248H before and honestly even though it's $50 cheaper roughly ($150 with 3) I'm still leaning towards the S2340L due to the smaller bezel and simple design, making it seem great for multi-monitor gaming.
Crysis 3 - 1440p - MSAA LOW - Very High - 47 FPS - GTX 770 SLI

That is average. And yeah it would be smooth enough. GTX 780 SLI not recommended in any case. Darn thing is too costly. Just grab two 770s and you are good to go. I must say that if a card combo can get you 47 FPS on very high settings with low AA, that combo can give you over 60 FPS on whatever game you want.

Well let me solve your more doubts too here -,3519.html

Start on page 4 and end on page 19. You would get benchmarks of single GPU and multi GPU of most of the powerful cards there in almost all newer titles.

Well its your choice if you want to buy costly stuff or not so costly stuff when it comes to monitors. VE248H has very low response time which is a good thing for gaming as compared to S2340L which has 7 - 8 ms.

@shinfujiwara - I guess you are new to the fact that crossfiring does not work well with most of the games rendering 1 card useless at most times? Well so that got cleared here. If one want to go for multi GPU setup, AT is not the way to go. Crossfire sucks and you can't play a game without choppy videos and all that. A few don't even start up until CF is turned off.


Jun 11, 2013
I started off thinking of AMD cards (I'm not biased in any way towards any companies) with the 7990 and the 7970 GHz edition in Crossfire, but after looking at a lot of reviews about the Crossfire experience, I considered Nvidia as a better option. Also to persuade me against the 7970, the GTX 770 and GTX 780 are new cards and even if that doesn't mean too much, I like the idea that the cards won't be replaced for another few months at least (something like 9 - 12). I also want a system that will run most games confidently on 3 screens with fairly high settings that will work into the future, so after checking benchmark results I thought Nvidia was better in my opinion.
770 SLI would be enough but the extra performance you get out of the 780 is well worth the extra cash. How futureproof is 770 sli? Let's take a look at Sli 470. It took 2 years before a single card could replace sli 470 and then about another year before a single card could replace it and give a substantial performance increase. For the GTX 480 in SLI it took about 3 years before a single card could replace it. So I will say 770 in SLI will be decent enough for the next 3 years and 780 in SLI will be good enough for the next 4 years.


Jun 11, 2013

I see, if I were to buy these cards I would probably overclock to some extent (not a lot but for some performance gain) and for games like Crysis 3 I think after considering this, high settings would be enough for a hopeful 10 - 20 FPS gain? I think I would go with the GTX 780's in this case?


Jun 11, 2013

I guess I'm probably going GTX 780 then if past trends continue. However if you or anyone could find some benchmarks between the GTX 770 SLI and GTX 780 SLI without subbing in other cards as similar I would greatly appreciate it to see if the performance gain is what I hope for.

Nvidia is a better choice here.
And the deal with GTX 770 is that it has GK104 core which is from the older generation. GTX 780 has newer core of Titan and is kind of same card with minor cut offs to reduce costs.

Performance wise, we should not go for past stuff but should take benchmarks into account. GTX 780 SLI delivers about 20% - 25% more performance than GTX 770 SLI. So if you want the extra performance you can go for GTX 780 SLI.

At the same time I would also like to point out that it would cost you same amount of money to opt for 3 way SLI of GTX 770 which would outperform GTX 780 2 way SLI.


Jun 11, 2013

Yes, I know but in a year or two I am considering getting a third card to keep up with the games. So would eventually 3 GTX 780's be worth the additional cost to run next-gen games. Sorry for not specifying this before, wasn't at the top of my head :/

Agreed. 3 display setup can put a card to its knees and I don't think you can play Crysis 3 on any GPU combo on the earth on 3 displays simultaneously. Simply not possible.

Even 4 x GTX Titans fail at 1440p on 1 display, 3 displays are too much. I wonder what FPS would be ... Should be funny enough ..

Yeah you can go for that config if in future you want another GTX 780.

But you would also have to take into account the cooling factors.
And personally, I don't think even 4 GTX 780s would be able to run Crysis 3 high on 3 displays at your given resolution. Its too much. 1 screen should be enough but 3 of them somewhat gets me worried.

Haven't read anything on it yet but I am expecting negative results.


Jun 11, 2013

Ok, I understand the demand that the resolution and graphical settings has in a game like Crysis and I can't really hope to play it at High on the given resolution without encountering a very low FPS. However on the basis of choosing between the GTX 780 SLI v GTX 770 SLI I looked at one of your recent answers (which I seemed to miss before) and see that in most games like FarCry 3 and Battlefield 3 the FPS is up around 10 more frames. Do you think this is justifyable for the extra cost. I'm currently trying to avoid having to get 3 cards, but if it comes to the point where it increases performance in the future I will most likely give in and get an additional cards. Then again I would like to avoid that instance.

Concluding, do you think GTX 780's will do well in the future at 5760x1080 even if settings have to be reduced to High or Medium in games like Battlefield 3 or 4 when it comes out? (I will mainly be playing games like Battlefield, GTA 5, Call of Duty and GRID 2, I chose Crysis as an ideal game due to it's extreme graphical requirements thinking if it ran well on Crysis, it would be no problem for other titles)

I don't think you will be able to find one a year from now ... at least not new card



Jun 11, 2013

I'm trying to avoid 3 cards but will give in if performance of two is not good enough