PC/GPU upgrade vs. Home Theatre Console Gaming upgrade vs. Hybrid!


Oct 14, 2012
I need your opinion

I want to game on a next-gen console.

I will likely get the PS4 because I believe more XBONE games will make it to the PC than the other.

Here's what I have

Windows 7 Ultimate
AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 ghz
AMD Radeon 6950 1 gb
23.5" Samsung 1920 x 1080

Here's what I don't have

a TV (zero, notta, zilch)
a high paying job

My finances

Approximately 450 USD expendable income every 3 months. Okay, let's just say 500 USD then and maybe at every 2.5 months to make these scenarios more realistic

What should my upgrade path be if I want to play PS4 exclusives and better graphical looking AAA multi-platform games on the PC

Options so far (this is where you help me decide or create your very own)

PC upgrade path

Get the 7950 or 7970 now. Also a custom cooler for overclocking. Enjoy PC gaming to the max in the meantime. Then buy the PS4, probably end of this year and hook it up to my PC monitor. This is under the assumption that hooking to PC monitor will be possible. It will be right?

Console upgrade path

Get a pretty cheap HD Flatscreen now. Everyone needs a TV sometime right? Maybe even a cheap blu-ray to boot. Net result; I'm ready to game when PS4 comes out. Problem is, I could be called a Console Gaming Enthusiast but I'd have no right calling myself a Home Theatre Enthusiast since a half decent flat screen starts at around at least 1,000 USD. I'd only have enough money for just a little above half of that if I really scrounged.

Of course, the totally new PC build would follow in 2014 when I could build around an AMD 9000 series. I'd have to rely on PS4 gaming while PC gaming takes a back seat with my 6950

PC All-in-one Entertainment upgrade path

I could go shopping for a wide, high-end PC monitor today! (any advice on the best one?)- This will be a fair amount lower priced than a comparable flat screen. I will then have one monitor for gaming and a new one for watching blu-ray movies. Still couldn't call myself a Home Theatre Enthusiast but I could call myself a Home Theatre PC Enthusiast =). When the PS4 comes out, I get it and hook it up to my PC monitor. Again, I hope this is possible.

And again, I would rely mainly on PS4 gaming until mid 2014 when I could do a PC rebuild with the AMD 9000 series to be truly ahead of next-gen processing power.

Any and all recommendations are needed! (Sorry, I really tried to make the post as short as I could) (and sorry, the option to get a higher paying job is not in the cards right now)