pcie 6 pin to molex

Molex connectors provide a +12 volt rail (yellow), a +5 volt rail (red) and two reference grounds (black). 6 pin PCIe connectors provide 3 +12 volt rails (yellow) and 3 reference grounds (black). Since PCIe connectors don't provide a 5 volt rail it's not possible to convert them back into a full Molex connector. However, since fans only utilize the 12 volt rail, it's possible to tap some fan connectors or a partial Molex connector from it, but I'm not aware of any adapters that do so.
PCI-E to anything isn't likely, there are adapters to PCI-E because they are fairly rare connectors, you wouldn't want to waste one of them to create a couple of auxilary power cables, but you can take a SATA power cable and turn it into a pair of molex cables, there are SATA and molex multiplier cables out there two that can turn one connection into two or three if you start running short.