Cant pick a card!!!


Jun 19, 2013
Sapphire 7970ghz edition, Super clocked gtx 770, or wait for the ftw seriers of the 770 with the acx cooler and 4gb vram
I lean nVidia over AMD. I got the EVGA Superclocked GTX 770 [w/ ACX cooler] myself. Loving it.

That said, what resolution will you be playing at? 4GB may be meaningless if you're at 1080p or lower depending on what you're doing.
If you plan to get a higher resolution monitor then it could be worth the 4GB. As of the games out right now nothing needs 4GB at 1080p. The extra memory will not give you better performance. It will simply cost you more.

Year from now. Two years from now. That could change. But right now there's no real need for it.
No worries. Just buy a good CPU (if you don't have one already) and use a good aftermarket cooler on it. The stock fans (that come in the box) aren't very good for constant CPU loads if you're gaming a lot. They're meant for people to browse the internet and watch movies. When gaming the generic cooler will allow most CPUs to run fairly high temps.

Although some video cards can get pretty dang hot (GTX 400 series would run 80-94C when 100% load) a CPU should never go over 70C.