Ideal Gaming Setups - Requesting Snapshots


Jul 21, 2012
Hey Guys (includes ladies),

I'm fairly new to the Gaming Scene with a fresh rig just assembled. I game mostly in 3D on the BenQ XL2720T 27" 120 Hz Display using NVIDIA 3D Vision Technology. I also use the same Monitor to occasionally watch movies. I have the following setup:

  • ■ A Desk about 2.5' high on which the Display and Case rests.
    ■ The Monitor is fixed at about my neck's level when I am seated.
    ■ I have a wireless keyboard/mouse combo which keeps changing positions.
    ■ I have a wooden chair, without cushions, and my viewing distance varies from about 1.5' to 3' whilst gaming.
    ■ I normally watch movies from across the room, where my bed is positioned.
Lately, I have started to develop stiff-neck and I felt that I must heed the advice of you folks here. There must be something wrong with the way my rig is set-up. I game for up to a maximum of 3 hours on a single sitting. Note: I don't wear eyeglasses or have eyesight related issues.

I request advice on how to place my monitor, ideal monitor level, viewing distance, etc. Posting snapshots of your existing desks/setups that you feel comfortable with, would be a great help. Perhaps, I must go for a custom built desk / chair to eliminate further issues. Thanks in advance.


Just a little note, that if you light bothers you (or rather to prevent it does) check out a little

program called f.lux. It will adjust the light brightness on screen according to what time of day it is:

I can also recommend getting a height adjustable chair. It's easy to slump at long sittings and so being able

to adjust things is lovely; just like with PCs! And furthermore it can also help to get up once in a while and do

some easy stretches too. I think the ideal monitor position is when it's positioned such that your head remains

pretty level throughout the whole time looking at the monitor; so that you don't spend long periods of time with your

head tilted upwards or downwards. Of course you ought to still move a bit, as it's not so good to remain in the same

position for a long time. Lastly a chair which is adjustable, but not too soft (can be hard leather for example) can be quite

good at keeping you positioned properly, since if things get too soft, you just sink right in. It kind of depends on your body

type too though. For heavier people, softer is nicer. For lighter people, it's the opposite I believe.
I sit with the upper 1/3 of my monitors about level with my eyes, just further than an arm span away. Though I use 24" screens, your 27" is probably fine to be a bit further back.
Adjustable seat, cloth. Some old office chair that I'v had for years, its had more than its share of DIY repair as the thread on the bolt holding the back rest up has literally been worn down over the years.

I have an IKEA Jerker desk, which at the time I bought it had no idea that it was very popular among PC enthusiasts. So I guess it all worked out when I became one many years later. Very good desk, its modular and you can sub in extra shelves (like what I have the monitors on) and other accessories if you can find them. Solid-ish chipboard that's easy to drill through also means you can make your own cable routing (see the headphone lead).


You cant see it in the pic, but there's an overhead shelf that's good for getting rid of clutter.
Also a USB extension cable super-glued just under the right-most monitor, plugged into the back of the mobo. Pretty convenient for semi-permanent attachments like the external HDD you can see or a charging phone/tablet.


Jul 21, 2012

X79, once again you're the first one to respond. Thanks, I have noted your advice.

Thanks for the snapshot manofchalk, you always manage to provide the most satisfactory response, with enough details.