Alternative to the Virgin Super Hub Wifi


Jun 29, 2013
I recently upgraded to the Virgin media Super hub for faster BB speeds. But unfortunately unless your near the router you get terrible speeds.

Before upgrading my network worked really well by feeding one of the LAN connections via Gigabit Powerline and setting up a bridged router in another part of the house. This allowed this second router to have LAN connections as well as a secondary Wifi connection.

The problem is this no longer works and speeds via this method are awful. I can only assume this is because of the changed router.

I have been told that setting up the Superhub as a router and connecting this to a new Wifi Router and then connecting this as above will resolve the issue. But I need to clarify before buying two new N routers.

Can you comment ? or recommend any equipment which would work ?


What you had working before should work equally well, unless the router is somehow adding noise to your power cabling.

What you should have is the Super Hub set up as it normally would if you were using it with a computer plugged into the LAN ports, then attach that LAN port to your other WAP's LAN port.