Concerned about my SSD's health, CrystalDiskInfo glitch?

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Feb 23, 2013
I have an Intel 330 series 'maplecrest' 180gb SSD.
For a while now I've used it for some average/minor gaming. Skyrim, Minecraft, KSP... But Crystal Disc Info is worrying me a bit.

After 265 power ons, 1285 hours of being on, 1.85TB NAND writes,
1.81TB host reads and 2.03TB host writes,
the health status tells me "Good, 100%"...

Seems a little too good to be true to me. or is this normal? This is probably going to be taken down, but that's k. I really do feel like it's a glitch or not representing the real remainder of life for my SSD, though.

Someone just please tell me that I really have a fully working healthy nearly untouched SSD. I want to keep it for another 4 years at least, I can't have it dying on me.

I was told that I could write 20 gbs per day for 3 years minimum with this SSD, which would be 22 TB overall, right? so 22 TB total until I should replace it?
my samsung ssd

writes 2.44tb

power on count 467

power on hours 3223

ssdlife software also says 100% and estimated lifetime is still 8 years 3 months

crystal disk info says good 100%

and samsung ssd magician agrees its good

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