Seagate TCG Compliance testing using drivemaster


Jul 5, 2013

I'm using seagate SED (model number: ST9146752SS) to test the TCG compliance (Enterprise standard) of this device using DriveMaster 2010 and have a few queries regarding this.

I tried Drivemaster to retreive and set the MSID to take ownership of this device using the following steps but it did not work as expected.

Steps performed to take ownership (as per the spec):

1. Open a session to the Admin SP as the Anybody authority
a. StartSession
b. SyncSession
2. Gets the MSID’s PIN value from the C_PIN table
a. Get
b. Get Result
3. Closes the session

a. End of Session
b. End of Session Response
4. Opens a session to the Admin SP as the SID authority using the <MSID_password>
a. StartSession
b. SyncSession
5. Sets the <new_SID_password> value in the SID's C_PIN credential PIN column
a. Set
b. Set Result
6. Closes the session
a. End of Session
b. End of Session Response

2. Tried executing the sample script to get the MSID that is available in drivemaster installation, which didn't work either.


NumEntries = 0

Int Val = 0

Clarification Needed in the foll aspects:

Should any pre-configuration be done for using SED?
Why does the script return the number of entries in C_PIN table as zero?
Level 0 discovery works fine because of which we assume that TCG is already enabled. If there is something missing, let us know.
The variable "TCG_SSC_SPEC" is meant to enable either opal(1)/enterprise(2)/optical(3) standards. However once the disk is configured for enterprise mode, I'm not able to change it to opal mode by setting this varialble to 1 in the beginning of the script.
Are these commands (Drive Master) present should be used differently for opal and enterprise standards? If it is different set of commands please let me know.
Kindly acknowledge how to proceed working with drivemaster and the SED in order to test the TCG compliance.

