Would a AMD A10-6800k bottleneck a Radeon HD 7950?

Really? Have you seen how many people have complained on this forum about APUs being coupled with high end GPUs? Other than the fact that there are sooooo many reviews stating sub-par CPU performance.

Point well taken, probably why I abandoned the FM-2 socket myself. Thanks


I doubt it. People like to act like just because it's not a 3570K or an 8350 it will bottleneck a decent gpu. Fact is it's a Piledriver quad @ 4.1 Ghz. My 6300 hasn't gone over 70% in the craziest of multi-player games with cranked settings running an overclocked 7870 LE which is basically a 7950.

I never got what I wanted until I switched to intel, It took forever but i'm "there":p for now.

Its NOT an effective Piledriver quad. Do i really have to explain why?
Let me rather ask you how can they cram that VLIW4 graphics part on a chip so small?

The 6800K has a die size of 246mm2.
The FX4300 has a die size of 315mm2.

I will let you make your own assumptions from just that little bit of info.

AMD is capable of the pure performance. But not the APUs.


Sep 17, 2012

You can't Crossfire an HD 7950 with a 6800k. It would have to be a HD 7750 or HD7770. Check out the requirements on the AMD website.

No one said he wanted to Xfire on the HD7950. And no, there is NO confirmation a 6800K can be Xfired with either the HD7770 or HD7750.

I know, I have read half of them. Still skeptical. Just not enough evidence.


Sep 17, 2012

Yes you can. The guy does not know what he is talking about. The HD 7750 is listed as compatible with is it Richland or Kaveri I honestly forgot.

Official link proving this? As sooon as you can not provide it I will tell you why its not supposed to work.


Thanatos Telos

Mar 8, 2013

I checked AMD's site on dual GPUs while researching a new laptop. The result? The 7700 series won't X-fire with an APU's IGPU. You're right and the other guy is seriously inept/unknowledgeable.

Thank you, wish he would have answered, but to be honest, did not think he would.
HD7xxx series cards are based on GCN architecture.
HD6xxx series cards are based on VLIW4.
Since dual-GPU has to be of the same type AT LEAST, Xfiring them will not work unless you makes some serious modifications and write your own drivers on top of that.

HOWEVER I have read a few people have been claiming to do a HD7750 at best. But to be honest, they are too few to be believable and they provide to little proof.

Just wasted 2 mins of my life... How does that "look legit"???
No proof that the HD7750 is even running in Xfire mode?
No benches with the HD7750 running alone or in Xfire?

AND most importantly, YOUTUBE? You gotta be kidding me...