HP Compaq PC139A vs. PogoPlug v2 for torrenting and webserving?


Jul 15, 2013
Here are the system specs for the Compaq: HP.com Link

I've swapped the ram to two 1GB DDR PC3200 chips. I've also put in a 10/100/1000 Gigabit PCI card.

The best list of specs I could find for the Pogoplug v2 is:

Architecture - ARMv5te
Processor - Marvell Kirkwood 1.2GHz
RAM - 256MB
NAND - 128MB
USB - 4
Ethernet - 10/100/1000 Gigabit

I'm asking because the Compaq is very old while the Pogoplug is slow. GHz isn't a good method for speed comparison. I can't find a method to test the speeds of both systems with one being ARM and the other being x86. I have the Pogo running Arch Linux and I can install Arch on the PC for any sorts of tests, though if the Compaq would be the better system in terms of speed (Headless torrent/web server) I'd probably switch to it over the Pogo. I know the Compaq uses way more power than the Pogo.

So, any sorts of tests I can do, or has anyone already done them?


Jul 15, 2013
I couldn't find any real way to benchmark the system. So I used a copy of LAME encoder. Now, this wasn't an experiment since it would be nearly impossible to set "like" conditions.

The Pogo uses an ultra lite Arch ARM linux.

I set Arch up on the PC with a full blown desktop GNOME. I figured that close results would prove the PC better anyway.

It took 2 hours and thirty minutes on the Pogo to convert a 60min Wav audio book into an MP3.

On the PC it took four minutes.

Thank you for allowing me to post this topic. I always knew ARM wasn't as powerful, but this is a crazy gap in power. It really does come down to simple energy consumption.