Help! Sudden shut down


Jan 17, 2013
Hello friends,

Sorry to bother again, but i'm a little concern.

Since yesterday, i've experienced several shut-downs while playing Crysis 3 and Metro Last Light.

It shuts down and won't turn on until past 2~2,5 minutes.

I have controlled my temps and are pretty cool while playing, so my only suspect is that it could be a PSU power. I have a 600W PSU which came with the case.

I have a FX 6100 at 3.9Ghz and a HD 7950 at 1000/1500 Mhz.

Please reply!

Thanks so much.
Yeah that power supply is junk all of the ones that ship w/ cases these days are pretty much garbage unless you run very little power through em. I would be suprized if that thing could output even 500w of power. I would buy a better PSU w/ a certified rating from a reputable company.
Have you cleaned it out, undusted the bunnies stuck in the Vents and Fans yet? If you don't regulalry do that usually that is a first suspect (the waiting is the parts cooling down). BTW while you may believe your playing 'cool' why not just tell us what you GPU and CPU temps are? You may be mistaken on what 'cool' is.


Jan 17, 2013

I've cleaned it two weeks ago when i changed the GPU. Everything went OK until now. I played like three hour Crysis 3 maxed out with MSAA x2 and i had one shut down. Now, i play Metro Last Light for three minutes and it happens every time.

CPU temp.: 48ºC Max.
GPU temp.: 68ºC Max.



Nov 9, 2009
Yeah that power supply is junk all of the ones that ship w/ cases these days are pretty much garbage unless you run very little power through em. I would be suprized if that thing could output even 500w of power. I would buy a better PSU w/ a certified rating from a reputable company.
Possibly. The most common test is simply reduce the graphics level each time this happens. If you stablize down much lower, well.... that is the level your system can handle that. Remember just because you can run Crysis 3 doesn't mean every game is the SAME ENGINE / Coding as Crysis 3 (in fact most are totally different engines each built by each company seperately). So how one does the coding and call outs int he game could be 180 different then how another game does it.


Jan 17, 2013

I run MLL at 65-100 FPS on max settings, i don't think it's a performance problem, in any case i suspect it could be a software problem or something like that.

What do you think?

If your on Windows 8, possibly. I would first uninstall the video drivers, run Driver Sweeper (a different step) to really remove all remnant, reboot, be in VGA mode, download the latest ones and see if there is any change at all. That would eliminate any drivers getting hosed up to this point. Next would be to check the makers site and check for any patches, fixes or see the forum since it is singularly that game.

I remember both some games that needed 'older' drivers and couldn't run on newer issued ones (the companies were lazy) and expected everyone to regress back. But like you, are like NO! I want the drivers I have because they make Crysis 3 kick ass, fix the damn game. *shrugs*. It happens, check the forums, look for your CPU and GPU and see if in relation to this game does it come up in their support forums.