Suggestions for building a small PC solely for emulation.


Jul 16, 2013
I have loads and loads of retro games and systems. It is becoming a little much in terms of space.

I'd be better off putting my collection away and building a dedicated emulators machine.

My intention is to have this sit under my TV like a regular console.

I don't want it any bigger than, say an XBOX 360 console (in terms of volume).

I have experience building PC's but not anything this small or specific in terms of requirements.

I intend to sell some of my beloved retro collection to fund this, so I really need to keep the budget down, as I don't want to sell much!

Would also like a HDMI connection and at least 2 front USB ports for controllers.

I have 2 builds in mind for discussion:

1. Can emulate anything perfectly up to N64. (with improving effects)
2. Can emulate later consoles like Dreamast, PS2, Gamecube.

The 1st is what I'm really after, and it depends on the cost whether I go for number 2.

I will probably run Windows 7 which boots to a dedicated emulator front end.

Any advice or suggestions appreciated. Thanks.


- small form factor.
- emulate everything up to N64 (maybe later if cheap enough).
- tight budget.
- front USB ports.
- wi fi.
- turn it on via a remote or controller.
- ample storage.
- quiet if possible.
- looks stylish enough to sit under TV.
- HDMI out.