Will my motherboard sys fan headers provide enough power to power 4 fans altogether on 2 of the headers using power splitter?


Apr 5, 2013

I have a Gigabyte GA-X79-UP4 Motherboard. The motherboard contains 4 system fan headers. I would like to install 6 fans on the headers. I know the motherboard doesn't contain more than four headers, but I plan to use a power splitter, for two of the headers so that it can power two additional fans.

I'd like to know if the power output of the motherboard system fan headers would provide enough power for the splitter to split the power between two fans.

Here's how I'd like to configure it:

system fan header #1 - 1 fan
system fan header #2 - 1 fan
system fan header #3 - 2 fans via power splitter
system fan header #4 - 2 fans via power splitter

These are the power specifications for the fan:

Input Current: 0.2A @ 600 RPM; 0.3A @ 1,200 RPM
Input Power: 2.4W @ 600 RPM; 3.6W @ 1,200 RPM

Please visit these links for further details on the items I plan to use:

Fans: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=CA-TWO120
Power splitter: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812189063&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=6146846&SID=pgl8xnp3pks8

If you have another solution, please advise. I can't plug it in direcly into my power supply because I don't have the inputs for molex connector. Please note I'd like to use all 6 fans, and don't want only 4 plugged in.


When I checked my motherboard manual it says 12V for each of the sys fan headers.

Will this mean it's not enough to power 2 fans running at full speed?

Because the fans have an input of 12V, when I did the calculation.

Please advise.
You should be fine. It's really down to your PSU rather than your motherboard, but you should be fine with this. I've split 2 headers on an mini-atx mobo to power 5 fans, so you should easily do 6 on 4.


Feb 25, 2010
You should be fine. It's really down to your PSU rather than your motherboard, but you should be fine with this. I've split 2 headers on an mini-atx mobo to power 5 fans, so you should easily do 6 on 4.