Is this the last generation of console gaming?


Dec 23, 2012
Considering the current generation of console gaming lasted a record 8 years, do you think the upcoming console generation will be the last? This is a very deep question, so please attempt to come up with a logical answer.

With the last generation lasting 8 years, can we expect the same from the PS4 and Xbox One? The hardware is already severely inferior to a medium-range PC, so does it seem practical to push something this inferior into 2020 and beyond? Mobile devices have already caught up to Xbox 360 and PS3. I can only imagine how quickly Nvidia will catch up to PS4 and Xbox One with their Tegra processors.

I understand that graphics aren't everything and people seem to think this is the only thing that separates PC from console, but this is far from the truth. Processing power is also quite important, which allows for greater in-game dynamics. A simple example would be AI. Civilization is unplayable on consoles due to the lack of processing power, which is why consoles got Civilization Revolution.

A few key points I'd like to see covered:
- Resolution
- Framerates
- Storage limitations of consoles
- Exclusives for consoles
- Pricing of games
- Porting issues

I'd like to see what you all have to say about this. It's very difficult to have a conversation about this stuff with most people, as many blindly pick a console and treat them like its their baby that can do no wrong.
one more important thing to consider, business, that alone is enough reason (for me) that consoles will still be there.
sure phones are getting better, but with the amount of battery drain i doubt they can match a console in terms of experience.
i know i don't play much using a phone, but how many (non-casual) games are there in android/ios that matches those top titles on the console.
and compare the screen size, it is more fun to play using those 32 inch (and above) than those handhelds. of course portables are portable, but the games are just too simple (those that ive tried at least).


Jun 14, 2013
I see your point, however look at it this way. In another 8 years, technology would have advanced considerably. The 2021 consoles... will be severely inferior to a medium-range PC at that current time.

I remember when the 360 and ps3 was being released... people thought THEY were the final generation of consoles.

There will always be newer generations of consoles. If microsoft/sony makes it... they will buy it!
I doubt this gen will be the last, technology will continue to move forward and sideways, and the console makers cant fall too far behind the trend.

Resolution I can see as a big aspect in the future, 4K TV's are already available on the market and are dropping in price quite rapidly compared to 1080p TV's. While the next gen consoles are going to be gaming at 1080p, that's only 1/4th the pixel count of 4K. This isn't like the last gen where you could upscale 720p content to 1080p and it would appear fine, 720p is half the pixel count of 1080p.
Who knows, multiple displays might even catch on. Microsoft are kind of pushing it in a way through their Smartglass app for mobile devices, I know Infinity Ward are doing something along those lines as well with the next COD.

Storage limitations are nothing, both the PS4 and XBone have USB ports, stick your own external HDD on there. No doubt that versions will be released with higher capacities as well.

I have to admit, I'm considering getting a PS4 for the exclusives.

Porting now will be easier than before, as has been constantly mentioned they basically are PC's. Though the main effect of that I think will simply just be better multi-platform games.
Other side of the coin, you can bet next gen emulators will arrive a lot sooner than for this generation.


Dec 23, 2012

They're pretty far behind with the PS4 and Xbox One. Most games will still be running at 30FPS and as graphics improve, they'll go right back to 720p. Even if this doesn't become the case, being at 1920x1080 with no antialiasing is quite ugly. Yeah, it's obvious that even a PS5 won't have as much horsepower as a GTX 780 SLI setup (a single Titan has 6 times as much horsepower, according to Nvidia, as a PS4). Multiple displays are out of the question for consoles of any generation, at least in terms of maintaining the same quality and performance. They can throw plenty of cute little gimmicks out with glasses, but at the end of the day, you will never see a console running a game on 3 displays.

As far as storage goes, MS and Sony may not allow external hard drives. If they do, they may limit which brands and types you can add (this is how Xbox 360 was, I believe). Did PS3 allow the use of external SSDs or just regular HDDs?

Yes, the exclusives are nice, but if people stopped purchasing consoles, they would cease to exist and developers such as Naughty Dog would be developing for the PC. I see so many more positives with the gaming industry dropping the console format and going strictly with PC. The only negative is the myth that PC gaming is "so much more expensive" than console gaming.
Remember that a PS4 has the graphical grunt of a 7850. Get the equivalent mid-range card of 8yrs in the future, I can easily see it powering multiple 1080p displays. Though by then no doubt standards will have changed and 1440p and 4K will have become standard.

I also find SmartGlass to be a pretty pointless solution, far as I can tell its just a way to reward those who have smartphones. Considering that Microsoft actually receive a few bucks from every Android device, I can see why they would be going in that direction.

Its not a myth, PC gaming does require a higher initial investment to get good (relative term) performance. Right now a console for $400 makes more sense than a PC for $400 if your concern is gaming.