What Cpu shall i get?

Very few games have a huge preference towards Intel chips, and Civ 5 and Skyrim are the two that favor Intel most. Spend your money on a better GPU, it'll be worth it.


Aug 31, 2012
take a look at this

see where the fx 8350 stands in comparsion to the 3570 in cpu heavy games( 8320 is obviously a bit weaker).

but, seeing how alot of games arent cpu heavy, and gpu is still the single most improtant component, so the question is: what's the gpu you plan on getting with the 8320 and which one with the 3570, what will that 50quid allow you to get that you cant get without them?

write what gpu you will be able to get with the 3570, and which one with the 8320, and i will tell which one is the overall best choice.

and to the dude above me, what's with the missing letters in word ( not hating), is that like an accent thing? or to save time?

my english is not that good too iam not preaching, just wondering =]