AMD si-42 processor limiting issues


Jul 27, 2013
I am running an AMD si-42 CPU and my laptop keeps overheating when it runs at 100 percent CPU usage. I read online about processor power limiting and decided to limit my processor to 95% after i did this i noticed a significant change in my laptops performance. Recently i downloaded CPU-Z and discovered that changing the maximum processor output from 100% to any other value results in my clock speed being cut in half. So at 100% cpu usage, my games run fine but overheat, and at anything lower they run horribly but don't overheat. i read online about cpu multipliers and underclocking but can't find a way to change any of those as my BIOS sucks (phoenix BIOS v1.3) is there anyway that i can limit my processor to about 1.8GHZ? at 100% CPU the speed is 2.1GHZ and any other value is 1GHZ does anyone have a solution or am i doomed to having to save up for ANOTHER new laptop :(