Best Router. Seriously, not so-called "expert" reviews.


Jul 28, 2013
A simple google search demonstrates that the "experts" when it comes to wireless routers are not too bright. Wireless throughput is IRRELEVANT when it comes to streaming from the Internet. It seems almost no one gets this. Who cares if my wireless throughput is 900mb, 400mb, or 10mb when my Internet connection is 5mb? A 300mb router isn't going to make your 5mb Internet connection faster. How hard is that to understand?

Bottom line is, my streaming player can do wireless or 1 GB wired (which is not relevant, see above). I'm looking for a router that is optimized towards streaming video from the Internet, considerations include proc speed, RAM, chipsets, NOT wireless speed. What router can (1) stream quickly, efficiently and reliably, and (2) not have to be rebooted daily, (3) isn't ridiculously overpriced.



you miss that you loose bandwidth from Noise .. so it matters . better bandwidth when it faces obstacles will not drop too low , but if it is a cheap router with low bandwidth it will be worse. also the "ping" speed is very important.

look for Asus Products , they are cheap and have a good signal and coverage for the price they sell.

go for AC a/b/g/n ...

and dont call people "not expert" when you dont know whats behind it.

and who said internet is at 5mb ? I have 20Mb and going for 200Mb soon ... and for cheap price as well.

If you dont have it , please dont call people "not experts" .. it is you who dont have a fast internet.