Cm storm inferno isn´t working anymore


Today I got the cm storm inferno and I was try to configure it and all that stuff, well, as a mistake trying to update the firmware i misplace it and end getting a storm sentinel firmware and looks like the mouse isn´t recognize anymore and it doesn´t move just can click.

Please someone help me with this :(
Try it on a different USB port and cold boot your PC.
Remove the drivers in safe mode.
Ensure that USB polling is only 125 to 128 times per second (some mouse drivers crank it to 1000).



I tried differents ports and nothing, no sure about cold bootting the pc and about polling i think that´s in the software but it is not recognizing the mouse



Is not like my system don´t recognize the mouse because the buttons still works just can´t move the cursor and the software won´t recognize the mouse so i can´t replace the firmware, I was hoping for a "mouse not responding" fix which I red in a cooler master forum thread but the file was in megaupload so ... but I want to be sure that is not possible to fix this before try to return it.