Will last of us come on pc


Jun 7, 2013
i feel like a douche for searching for last of us on steam and origin for half an hour.
So have the game developers thought of bringing this game on pc?
i watched the trailer and somehow it reminded me of bioshock infinite.
EA have not made the game so it ain't coming on origin right?
This is the opening line from the Wikipedia site for this game and the best answer you'll ever get:

"The Last of Us is a survival horror action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3. "

I suspect it will appear on on the PS4 at some point as part of the Gaikai service (streams the video). http://www.gaikai.com/
This is the opening line from the Wikipedia site for this game and the best answer you'll ever get:

"The Last of Us is a survival horror action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3. "

I suspect it will appear on on the PS4 at some point as part of the Gaikai service (streams the video). http://www.gaikai.com/