longevity laptops with mobility in mind?

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Aug 2, 2013
Hi, I was wondering what kind of laptop has a long service life, a family member of mine just retired their macbook pro after 6 years of (ab)use, they really don't take care of their technology, even spilled water on it. I was wondering if the newer macbook pros are built to last like that or even the new air which seems nice with 10 hours of battery life. was also wondering there are window pc options in that price range (1200) with similar mobility features and battery life.

You should probably have a good talk with your kid, im just guessing its your kid because he or she its still on school, he or she only use office...


Aug 16, 2011
No the newer Macbook are not build the same way the old ones did, also, theres not such thing as longevity laptops. What are you looking to do with the Laptop, how much time do you want to keep it, Do you Have A Screen Size in mind?.

The Easiest solution for your family member would be to get another macbook.


Aug 2, 2013

well hardware being outdated is not a problem, the only they changed was the battery and adapter over the course of those 6 years, since they only used it for office suite and web browsing, 14", preferably 13.3", 3-4 years would be nice though until their school is over.

edit: just read that some of the newer pros are unserviceable which have glued batteries and fused screens, also the air's memory is soldered into the logic board. i can see why people are telling me older macbook pros are better.


Aug 16, 2011

You should probably have a good talk with your kid, im just guessing its your kid because he or she its still on school, he or she only use office and web browsing so its not like they need a High End Gaming Laptop, and he or she has been using Mac OS for a long time, changing them back to Windows is probably gonna be a Pain. My Suggestion is to get another Macbook, Or maybe he or she wants a windows laptop and maybe she wants it to be pink, or he wants it to be black. There are many things like how it looks, to how much it weights that are important for the user.

In any case i suggest this laptop for an everyday use in office and web browsing, the mouse pad on the laptop has the same hand gestures that you use on MAC OS http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834127999,
and please do not choose a Macbook air, i have 2 of them, My nephew trow his toy to the screen while he was watching a cartoon, he was 2 years old, and the screen broke, Replacing the screen was 600usd. The Second Mackbook air, the Internal Psu started failing like what happens with cellphones something like this:
And it deformed all the Aluminium case, i send it to get fixed but the damage it made to the aluminium case was irreparable. and i have something like this : http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18ml57aphva2jjpg/ku-medium.jpg
not so bad like the picture, but i cant close the laptop.


Aug 2, 2013

ouch, i picked up the air at the store the other day and i couldn't see it surviving anything, the reason i suggested windows is because they had windows also installed on their mac , i just read about the retina pro, i think that is the only one that is unserviceable, i was wondering if the regular pro without the retina display can be fixed by the end user, we were also at the store and noticed the build quality of the sony laptops seemed to be up there but so was price ratio for the hardware offered inside, if we decide to buy a pro, we will get it later this year when they offer it with the haswell processor in hope for better battery life and gpu performance.


Aug 16, 2011

Seems like you got everything figured out already , nice to be of help, have a nice day and good luck with your purchase
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