Ethernet Driver/Adapter help


Aug 3, 2013
Where can I find an ethernet adapter to download for the motherboard ATA 133?'
I recently came across a well-tuned virus which was transported to me via thumbdrive. (I found it while walking and had the dumb idea to plug it into my computer.) Long story short, I'm now missing the adapter for my ethernet. Does anybody know an online site where I could download this? Here is some basic information
Motherboard: ATA 133
OS: Windows 7
Thumbdrive storage capacity: 3 gigs (Can get more)
Computer: Custom built
OS Im downloading in prep for transport on: Windows XP
Help me please :)
You need to provide the brand and model of the motherboard, assuming that the Ethernet is onboard, otherwise if it is an add in board, you would need the board brand and model.

You can open the case and read the painted information on the PCB to get all the information you need.


You need to provide the brand and model of the motherboard, assuming that the Ethernet is onboard, otherwise if it is an add in board, you would need the board brand and model.

You can open the case and read the painted information on the PCB to get all the information you need.