GTX 660 vs HD 7870



i run the tahiti le chip (powercolor) and it is a great card for the price. every single one of these cards can be overclocked without any voltage increase to 1200MHz. they do run a little bit hot tho. at the 1200Mhz speed they are the equivalent of a 7950. they are also within 5 fps of the gtx 760. I run just about every game at max settings and at 1080P. a few titles like metro and crysis are only at very high settings but still very good. also if you SLI these they come out equal to a TITAN. I personally think buying anything less than a tahiti le or gtx 760 to be a waste. My reasoning for this is that these are the minimum cards for very good to exceptional 1080P gaming

the gtx 660 also only uses the old 192 bit memory...


i run the tahiti le chip (powercolor) and it is a great card for the price. every single one of these cards can be overclocked without any voltage increase to 1200MHz. they do run a little bit hot tho. at the 1200Mhz speed they are the equivalent of a 7950. they are also within 5 fps of the gtx 760. I run just about every game at max settings and at 1080P. a few titles like metro and crysis are only at very high settings but still very good. also if you SLI these they come out equal to a TITAN. I personally think buying anything less than a tahiti le or gtx 760 to be a waste. My reasoning for this is that these are the minimum cards for very good to exceptional 1080P gaming

the gtx 660 also only uses the old 192 bit memory interface.

the tahiti le especially when SLI'd will give you optimum 1080P gaming probably forever with the exception being if games start asking for 3 gigs of video ram

I hope I helped please ask any other question and always select a best answer.



Salam Alykom Bilal ,

b4 I start , If you can pay , this is a better choice for you

as for your Question , I d pick Nvidia over AMD any time today , they have PhysX and most games will be physX soon coz PS4 has physX support.

if you dont know the difference , check this ,

AMD GPU cant do that.


Thank you both of you.
I'm going to see which one I can get a better deal for since both cards are great.

Thanks again
Bilal :)

This doesn't really mean that games will start to use PhyX just because Playstation supports it. PhysX has been around for several years now and not a lot of games have it.
Saying that you can run PhysX on a system with a primary AMD GPU is misleading. Yes, you can run it on the CPU, but your framerate will take a nosedive. Borderlands 2 is literally the only game where a high-end CPU can sometimes manage at Medium settings.

For all practical purposes, you should assume that only Nvidia cards can run GPU accelerated PhysX with the full effects enabled. So it makes the video card purchase decision interesting... do I want PhysX or can I do without... answer that question first and then proceed accordingly.
Yup exactly. The CPU can handle it. The CPU does a fine job of it too.
Also it is true look at the number of games on that list that have physX. PhysX started in 2005 and that is all they have. That is an extremely short list for that time frame.
Besides if you are really worried you can buy an old Ageia PhysX card to work with the AMD card for less than $10 that gives better performance than CPU.

Oh and come to think of it you said that the PS4 is going to have PhysX. The PS4 uses AMD Radeon graphics, not Nvidia so the PS4 CPU handles it, which are only smaller laptop CPU's. Any desktop with 4 threads being hyper threaded or regular, and a 7850 will do better in PhysX than the PS4.
Okay, so no a CPU does not "do a fine job of it". No you cannot just go buy whatever dedicated PhysX card you want and everything is fine. That would be silly to spend even more anyway, when all you had to do was get an Nvidia card in the first place. Those are what we call rationalizations. Either you run an Nvidia card and you enjoy your PhysX on High, or you don't, it's that simple.

The CPU does a fine job of it. It works, it doesn't make games unplayable when enabled. What else does it need to do?
Yes you can buy whatever dedicated PhysX card you want and everything is fine. Hence the entire reason why the PhysX cards were created in the first place, and hence the reason why they work perfectly fine with AMD graphics cards. That is the entire point of their existence and you are saying that it is not?

Oh I see your point, it would be so silly to buy a second graphics related card and put inside of a PC. Who on earth would ever want two or more graphics cards inside of their PC?

Long story short the CPU does a fine job of running PhysX, which is why when you enable it in a game using an AMD card you are able to experience the effect while staying over 30fps, and of course adding the card specifically created for the purpose of PhysX can increase this ability, since it is pretty much a dedicated GPU/CPU meant to do nothing but PhysX, but it is completely unneeded.


i had physx set to high and I had no problems. plus allot of the physx games are first person shooters and when you go to the forums you will see that people play through for a while with physx on then when they go online to play they turn it off because itshoots up so much stuff you cannot even see the battlefield anymore when you have four players woth of physx going on. when I was playing coop borderlands with a friend and he was using that siren with the phaswalk thing and he set up his charachter to have all the elements in his phase lock i literely played the game but never knew what i was shooting at. I would just shoot at the center of a massive physx explosion and it was awesome to look at for a couple of hours but afer a while I always turn it down. So sure you do take a fps second hit with cpu physx but you can play at high levels for a while just to see how pretty things are then you turn it down to medium and continue playing. it is not like there are not other GPU intensive ways of creating physics in a game enviroment. crysis does not use physx but it is a beautiful game. same for most games. even with a gtx 760 you are not going to max out metro so you will have to turnm down physxs or something else.



the people who say no to physX when they try it at home will never look back ...

and the games with PhysX are good games ...

and I dont care about alot of games .. I CARE about the BEST games .. and you will find MANY best games supporting PhysX...

and yes when PS4 supports it will mean EVERY TITLE released on it will have it , so common Titles will be enabled by Default.

and Again ... I dont care about MANY , I care that SUPER games like Batman , Metro , Hawken , Justcause 2 , borderland , Xcom and many super title are physX enabled.

You do realize that the PS4 uses an AMD quad core laptop CPU? It also has an AMD Radeon graphics. It is weaker than any 4 thread and a 7850. If that can use phsyx why on earth can't the PC? Your point makes no sense.

Also, outside of Metro I personally would never want to play any of those games really. I wouldn't call any of them "the best games" What about Fallout, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Fable, Total War, Starcraft, and dozens of other amazing top selling games? There is a lot more than that.



does not matter. this is just talk in the air. and again the people who switched to Nvidia never looked back :)

you are talking about a machine not yet released and assuming? and you dont have 1% information how PhysX will be working there ? and what Nvidia are giving them exactly ?

:) sorry doesnot work !

and remember that AMD uses unified GDDR5 memory too :) never guessed why XBOX one does not suppoer PhysX while having AMD too ?

please stop guessing.


hawken physx are awesome but not used by players because of the to many particle effects
here are some harken pics

and my overclocked i5 2500k does a good job with the physx

what about other games where you just want the GPU ppower because amd hits the spot in his budget range. if he can find a deal on the gtx760 for the same price as the tahiti le then hell yeah get the gtx, but i want gpu power not propietary software that is not shared. I do not even like the idea of making something proprietary and I doubt software engineers do either.

other good recent games
crusader kings 2
civ 5 brave new world
i used a gtx for xcom and i never really noticed the physx effects
far cry 3
tomb raider
hawken is still in beta and is good sometimes and completely unbalanced others
dishonored was fun
grid 2
fallen enchantress
dust an elysian tail

I would never say physx is not awesome. hell i have taken screenshots but do I miss it now that I use amd. no and when i want to see it i just get some lower framerates while i see the beauty. just like metro I crank it up all the way eventho it is unplayable it still looks awesome for a while then I go back to very high settings and enjoy life. I have not and I really liked the tressfx in tomb raider.

in the end i want gpu power not gimicky software(no mater how cool it is)



you can disable PhysX any time .. this whole thing about people who say PhysX not important is silly :)

and Nvidia beats AMD in 760GTX and 770 GTX and on every level , and the SLI runs smooth without stuttering...

btw , I allways used ATI (b4 AMD) untill Nvidia bought PhysX ...

I loved the All in one Wonder alot , but thats history today :) ...

Oh I see how I could obviously mistake dozens of articles about AMD making the PS4 and XboxOne and somehow come up with AMD isn't making it.

I could sit and link articles about this all day and never run out of them. The console is not in the market yet, but the specs were released a long time ago. AMD is building both systems. Both systems have AMD CPU and GPU. Since PhysX GPU acceleration is Nvidia only the only way that the PS4 could have GPU accelerated PhsyX is to include an Nvidia GPU inside. That obviously has not been done. There is no Nvidia technology being used in either console.

I don't know why Xbox One has chosen not to use PhysX, but it has nothing to do with the RAM. That has nothing to do with it at all.

I haven't guessed about anything. Everything I have said is backed up with links, spec pages, reviews, benchmarks, and other material. Maybe you are confused because nothing you have said is supported by any of these things. When something has supporting evidence that proves it to be correct it is commonly called a fact. When you ahve no evidence, it is typically called a guess. See the difference?


what nvidia beats this card at $200 this is the price point the OP was talking about. the gtx 660 with its 192 bit memory interface. also the new amd drivers came out and in testing they are showing 0 runt frames and great improvement.
so yes SLI sucked one month ago with AMD but that was yesterday not today.
the gtx 760 better be better it cost 50 bucks more
the gtx 770 is 400 bucks and 2 of my tahiti le's equate to a titan so no win there. not to mention with two tahiti le you can max out metro. a 770 will not sorry.
you cannot claim stuttering anymore since the new drivers came out.

I do not really want to continue this because i like the gtx series more than amd but amd at the 200 dollar mark is tough to beat

other good games
rome total war 2
sleeping dogs
world in conflict
two worlds
total war shogun

the gtx 760 is about 5fps better than the tahiti le chip

That is a good list of games :)

Thank you for staying on topic also, this PhsyX talk has gone a bit off topic in a way.
I am a bit like you with your choices. I never owned an ATi/AMD graphics card until this year, I always used AMD cause I always liked them better and they performed well. The biggest reason I support AMD now is because the price/performance seems to be a lot better with AMD. They are so constantly running sells and such and bundles that the cards practically pay for themselves and they still work really well. There are several really great Nvidia cards that perform well, but for the price I feel AMD is better, especially with the crossfire ability being so amazingly cheap as compared to Nvidia's.

crossfire isnt any cheaper than nvidia. plus crossfire suffers terribly from stuttering and dropped frames, nvidias sli does not. AMD have recently released a driver to fix the stuttering, but it has caused additional cpu overhead and lower FPS output, so its still better to SLI than to crossfire. If your still considering the 660 or 7870, the 660 is cheaper and performs slightly worse, the 7870 is more expensive and performs slightly better, but the 660 is better in a dual card setup and supports physx, and nvidia has better driver releases, and quicker driver releases optimized for new games. I have owned many amd/ati and nvidia cards in the past, never really had a problem with any except for when i stupidly decided to crossfire 6850's. A month after i got the second 6850 i sold them both and a single gtx660 offered much smoother performance/playability, despite in some cases fps being slightly lower overall. I recently got a second 660 and couldnt be happier. Crossfire left a sour taste in my mouth as it has done with many people. I would only expect a proper hardware fix for crossfire in their next gen cards.


well here are a couple of reads

so you have your opinion and these three proffessional testers and reviews seem to think otherwise. even going as far to say that amd may be the new king of the most powerful card. i realize you use an nvidia card so you probably do not keep up like i do since this is what i currently run.

so the whole runt frame thing has been solved just like ever other major software issue and as it has been rectified they have a chance to surpass nvidia at a lower price. also please do not bring up 7870 when I am talking about a tahiti le chip. tahiti is the 79xx series and it is a completely different architecture than the 7870.

sure the 68xx sucked in crossfire but so did the old pentiums but nobody cares because they no longer even make those chips. my ex wife really sucks also but who gives a shit she is long gone.

the truth is today that amd has made a big step back and buying in now on a taiti le chip is a great deal and tat deal blows the doors off of a 660 amd directly competes with a more expensive 760. IF the price is right

Agree with everything. :D
Well except the ex wife bit. I don't have one of those :p