Can I place a SDD DIRECTLY ontop of a HDD?


Feb 18, 2012
I am setting up my first build and i removed the storage bays from my 600t. I wanted to stack my SSD ontop of my HDD. I have no idea if this could cause any issues or not so I figured I would ask. I have a layer of cardboard and two sided tap as a temp solution if its okay.

If not can I place the SSd to the left of the HDD on the bare metal frame? Thanks

Second question. Sorry its unrelated to memory but I did not want to start a new thread for a quick answer. I have a cord provided by coirsair for a Pci-e that im using for my GPU. Its a 1 to 2 cord is that fine? Or is the point of the GPU having two imputs for more power? Thanks


Yes you can, the SSD accept shocks and vibration without problem (which can lead to faillure on HDDs) and the SSD don't produce any vibrations that can cause the HDD to fail...

The HDD still produce vibrations but since the SSD isn't affected, don't care and do it !!

PS: Make sure when moving the case that it can't block a fan or shortcut something, etc...


Jan 23, 2013
Yes you can, the SSD accept shocks and vibration without problem (which can lead to faillure on HDDs) and the SSD don't produce any vibrations that can cause the HDD to fail...

The HDD still produce vibrations but since the SSD isn't affected, don't care and do it !!

PS: Make sure when moving the case that it can't block a fan or shortcut something, etc...