Need Parts for Budget Gaming PC


Aug 10, 2013
I am using a laptop currently and it is just not enough. I have about a $600 - $800
budget, but the lower the better. I will be playing mainly FPS's like planetside 2 and battlefield 3/4. I dont want to play on ultra, but i want to be able to play on at least medium. I am currently looking at this:

I think it is a solid build but are there any suggestions on lowering the price or upgrading some of the parts? I will be getting this PC late march 2014.

I am 12 y/o so my budget is very low, the lower i need to pay the better.

I need a moniter, but dont need Mouse or Keyboard. Also, I dont need an OS as I just get those with torrents. (dont tell anyone)



SHOOT yeah i just noticed the late 2014 !!!

Come back and ask again in feb 2014.