In need of a good AMD GPU?

What is your budget and cpu? The 7990 is having some issues at the moment, but the 7970 is one beast of a card, and performs well in crossfire.
Good timing. They are giving them away at the moment after Nvidia's GTX700 series sweep. Not to mention the games you get with AMD. One issue is the noise and heat problem with the 7970's. Just read the reviews in Newegg. Somewhere around the end of the year they will be coming out with the 8000 series. Cannot wait. Also they didn't fix the CF problem yet with multiple displays, but since they have fixed their longstanding problems with single display, multi-card setups, I have no doubt they will fix it in multi-displays.

I like this post. I read it as sarcasm, of which I wholeheartedly approve.

But anyway, ConHol123, what's your budget?
Are you aware that you won't be able to enable GPU PhysX effects?
If so, then proceed....

Just trying to save you some time from having to come on every thread where an AMD user is asking about how to set up a dedicated PhysX card. Oh everyone with an AMD card knows that PhysX is useless, that's not even debatable.