Can GTX 760 4GB SLI handle 4GB ?


Aug 8, 2013
OK , so I know that memory bandwith 760 can't handle more than 2GB of VRAM , but can it run 4GB in SLI ? I want to keep this setup for long , long tim becuse it is really complicated to chage cards for me . So what do you think ?
Guys, keep it civil here.

If you have two 4GB cards, you will have an effective 4GB of VRAM to use.
Whether you will ever benefit from having that much on a 760 is doubtful, and I would say its the GPU that will be the limiting factor before the Memory Bus. Whether it can take advantage of having more than the stock 2GB, that's a bit more plausible. Games are starting to use more than 2GB at 1080p, mainly your high end ones like Crysis 3 when you max out settings, but it wont be any great bottleneck for a fair while IMO.

What I would do, for the ~$300 it costs for a 4GB 760, get yourself a cheap HD7970 that comes with 3GB of VRAM and a bunch of games in the new Never Settle deal...


Apr 1, 2013
It should be able too. Because the two graphics cards are working together. So not only are you doubling the vram, you are also doubling the other specs. Like the clock speed, cuda cores, etc... And you always want to make sure your psu is a high enough voltage for these two cards.


Aug 8, 2013
It seems that my post wasn't understandable . I'm not buying two 2GB cards , I'm buying 2 4GB ... I know that by SLI you don't stack VRAM , only perormance . So , does memory bandwidth increase with SLI and does because of that , two card can handle more ram together ?


Aug 8, 2013

Could you just tell me , If I combine two cards that both have 4GB , can they handle 4GB ? I am asking this because one gtx 760 can only handle 2 . You don't need to tell me how SLI works. I just want to hear yes or no .

Thanatos Telos

Mar 8, 2013
I'll help. If you're SLIing two 760s with 4GB each, then you'll have 4GB. (Though the bandwidth will make it hard to use it all, it should be able to.) If it's a 4GB with a 2GB, you'll have a total of 2GB. If it's 2 2GB, then you'll have 2 GB. I reported the other guys mean post, so can I haz solution?
Guys, keep it civil here.

If you have two 4GB cards, you will have an effective 4GB of VRAM to use.
Whether you will ever benefit from having that much on a 760 is doubtful, and I would say its the GPU that will be the limiting factor before the Memory Bus. Whether it can take advantage of having more than the stock 2GB, that's a bit more plausible. Games are starting to use more than 2GB at 1080p, mainly your high end ones like Crysis 3 when you max out settings, but it wont be any great bottleneck for a fair while IMO.

What I would do, for the ~$300 it costs for a 4GB 760, get yourself a cheap HD7970 that comes with 3GB of VRAM and a bunch of games in the new Never Settle deal.


Aug 8, 2013
Just want to ask this . I will take 7970 as an option , but my budget is much bigger than that . What do you guys think of gtx 770 and what model should I buy if it is worth the price ?
I would probably go for the Gigabyte or ASUS model if I were to get a 770, though TBH if your spending ~$800 then just get a 780 and pocket the rest.
A single stronger card IMO is better than two weaker cards in Crossfire/SLI, its just simpler to setup and maintain, less issues, lower temps and power draw and leaves you realistic upgrade path later on.

EDIT: On the SC deal, no idea.
Just crossfire the two 7970's. It should be much better performing and comes with 3 free games. Also it would give much better performance than two 760's in SLI.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card (2-Way CrossFire) ($289.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 7970 3GB Video Card (2-Way CrossFire) ($289.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $579.98
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-08-17 07:24 EDT-0400)

That would be much more power for the same price.

Thing to keep in mind : 7970 SLI is comparable and sometimes even beats the 770 SLI. So that is something to consider.

Also the new AMD Drivers solved all issues that were there with crossfire and now the crossfire is on par with the SLI.


Oct 7, 2013

Fan boy? Kahn, but I've ALWAYS gone invidia in the past with no exceptions. Building a new rig in the next month though, this is exactly what I've been contemplating. A less expensive AMD CPU MB combo and pairing two higher end AMD 7 series cards (78, 79 series) getting the 3 GB of soon to be needed vram (multiple monitors) while taking four brand new 50-60 dollar games along with it (AMD's free game offer with 7 series cards). If you want to pair two 79's, then your taking six free games.. Dude, that's like a $300 value, although, I can only see four games available which I'd be interested in owning. But that's cool, because x fire with dual 78 series cards with an extra GB of vram is not a bad move, it's pretty solid. Just comes down to driver support..
Strongly considering this over a single 760 4 GB, then upgrade to sli 2-3 years down the road. 4GB or 3GB vram? My builds last about 5 years so the vram matters to me..


Thanatos Telos

Mar 8, 2013

Why did you bump/hijack this old thread?