Mechanical Keyboard..What's the hype?


Mar 22, 2009
Good day,

So I've been hearing more and more on these mechanical keyboards. And I'm simply wondering what is the hype all about and is it worth an upgrade. I currently have an old Logitech G15 which is in pristine condition still to this day. The reason I'm keeping it, is, well, it functions great plus it has an LCD screen. So upgrading would simply be for show I guess...
I would simply like to understand the hype on these keyboards and also understand the different type of Cherry Switches, so I could make an informative decision on weather I would want to spoil myself with one of these keyboards and also, which one to get providing the price is right, being that they're not cheap..I've heard once you go mechanical, you don't go back, anyhow.



Nov 12, 2013
That link is going to be the most helpful in understanding the keys and picking whats best for you.

That being said, I was in that position once. But I work at tigerdirect so I can just pop open a keyboard and get a feel for it. This is going to be the best why for you to know for sure what type of key you want to use. I started off buying the Logitech g710+ that has brown mx switches. I thought I would like them but they felt dreadful to me. Ended up going with a red mx keyboard for gaming. Thinking about buying a separate blue mx board for fps games and typing. Not having ANY ghosting is awesome during gaming and you when you are like "I know I pressed that button" but it doesn't go through; well that problem doesn't exist for mechanical keyboards. You pretty much know when you hit a key.

Your best bet is to just try out different boards and see what you like.


I actually had the G15, and it was a great keyboard. I used it for a few years and it still felt good when I made the plunge to mechanical.

I am one of those who went mechanical and will never go back.

Like above poster said, mechanical keyboards create a hardware interrupt upon pressing a key, so it ALWAYS goes through. You can also press every button on the keyboard at once, and yes, it will register (not that this is really that usefull).

The short is that MX blacks are stiff and have no tactile actuation, that means you press a button down and cannot tell if it you pressed it down far enough to register or not. Reds and blues are clickity clackity LOUD, but alot of people like them. These both have an actuation point where you can FEEL when you press a button down far enough for it to "register".

Upon reading alot of reviews, I went for a Steelseries with MX blacks and absolutely hated it. Then I went for a Filco Majestictouch with MX Browns and it is GREAT.

You should go to a computer store and try the different key types if possible. The hard part is that all the different "color" mechanical switches have different feels to them.

Overall having a mechanical keyboard makes big difference for me and I love it.


Nov 12, 2013
Adroid, reds are similar to blacks. They have no tactile feedback and no clicky sounds. Reds just require less force than blacks. Once you've hit the actuation point on the key, it will trigger regardless of whether you push it down all the way or not. With reds you can tap the keys and they will register. Good for rts games but also leads to typos and hitting backspace a ton.


Mar 22, 2009
thanks for the reply guys.

I might want to point out a few things. I mostly play FPS games. I do not do typing what so ever on my rig as it is solely for gaming. I have another PC for that.
If you guys have any recommendations on some hardware, do share.
