PC shuts down during game


Aug 26, 2013
Well at least once per day my PC crashes while in a game but it can often be as many times as 10. It either freezes or full on shuts down. Sometimes it will shut down first thing in the morning but then continue to play for hours. Other times it will shut down and if the game is re opened it will just keep shutting down until a few hours have passed. Temps are fine and this happens on graphically intensive games and also games that are years old.

YEAH way OLD and how do you have 3GB? a 2GB and 1 Gb memstick? EWW! For a x64 system? VERY BAD.
Better suggestion would be pick up a i5Core from Walmart/Walmart.com for $399. Then buy a power supply, say 600+W, all depends what gaming card you want, then pick up the gaming card. For very little money you get a 8GB i5 Core 500GB with new LCD, keyboard, mouse, warranties and your properly powered with a nice gaming card all under warranty.


Aug 26, 2013

no overclocking
win7 64bit
Q6600 2.4
3gb RAM
Specs specs specs we have no idea what computer you using unless you detail it for us. Second to that, have you tried throttling down the graphics level, far as I know your trying to play BF3 at Ultra settings on a old ATI RAGE card, yeah not happening. If you keep dropping the resolution / graphics level and hit bottom, still having this issue then that at least is one way to eliminate the games are specifically having issues it is something else (i.e. you never patched your game so it keeps crashing... ).

YEAH way OLD and how do you have 3GB? a 2GB and 1 Gb memstick? EWW! For a x64 system? VERY BAD.
Better suggestion would be pick up a i5Core from Walmart/Walmart.com for $399. Then buy a power supply, say 600+W, all depends what gaming card you want, then pick up the gaming card. For very little money you get a 8GB i5 Core 500GB with new LCD, keyboard, mouse, warranties and your properly powered with a nice gaming card all under warranty.