Can I use Intel SRT on a secondary SSD partition?


Aug 27, 2013
I'm currently building a new PC and I'd like to use Intel Smart Response Technology to speed up my HD with an SSD.
I wondered if it's possible to install Windows 8 directly to the SSD, using the remaining space (or, if that doesn't work, a second SSD) as a cache for the hard drive with the applications and data. That way, I could boot even faster without having to move important files to the SSD manually.
once you reach the space limit(up to 64 gigabytes last time I checked) for SRT on a SSD, you can use the extra space to make a partition for data. I have never seen someone using that space for Windows.

If the SSD is big enough for Windows, you can skip SRT and get the full benefits of the ssd by having windows and your most common programs on it. With another SSD, you can install other programs and games on it.

Moving your documents/pictures/movies/ect to a HDD is a good way to save space.
once you reach the space limit(up to 64 gigabytes last time I checked) for SRT on a SSD, you can use the extra space to make a partition for data. I have never seen someone using that space for Windows.

If the SSD is big enough for Windows, you can skip SRT and get the full benefits of the ssd by having windows and your most common programs on it. With another SSD, you can install other programs and games on it.

Moving your documents/pictures/movies/ect to a HDD is a good way to save space.


Aug 27, 2013
Thanks, but can I use SRT on a secondary drive that doesn't contain the OS? That way, I could just install everything on the HDD and not worry about install sizes.