Best motherboard + Processor +- 800$

Sven Skretting

Aug 25, 2013
I'm looking to upgrade my computer and with our insane prices in norway yeah the price may seem a bit off but thats what i got to use on my upgrading system...

What would you recommend is the best for gaming ? I dont understand this overclocking stuff and just want plain gaming equipment which is stable...

Thanks in advance !

MMORPGs tend to be CPU heavy (and in some cases, not using more than a single core). A new CPU might help, but some of that lag could be connection-related or server-related on the Blizzard side. Hopefully, a new CPU will do what you need it to for these cases.

On the other hand, most modern (non-MMORPG) games are going to appropriately...
For gaming, you don't need to overclock your CPU to get great performance. Pair a great processor with a great GPU and you're good to go.

Here's what I'd recommend:
Intel i7-4770 (you could go for a in i5-4670, but with your budget, I'd squeak the extra .1GHz out of the i7-4770 since you won't be overclocking)
Asus Z87-Plus. It can run an SLI or Crossfire setup. If you only have one GPU, it's always nice to have the future option for a second GPU for an SLI setup.

What kind of GPU do you plan to use with this setup?

You're just looking to build for the purpose of gaming and want the motherboard and processor under $800, correct? You could buy more expensive equipment, but it's not going to get you better gaming performance. Your best bet would be to add another 670 to this CPU/mobo if you want to see an increase in gaming performance. Spending more on X79 equipment will not get you better gaming performance than this.

What is your current CPU/mobo?



PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU: Intel Core i7-4770K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($324.98 @ Outlet PC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD3H ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($148.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 670 2GB Video Card ($313.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $787.95
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-08-29 09:53 EDT-0400)

i know u said u don't wanna OC but its good to have the option open, just in case

I found myself doing the same thing this time around. I bought the X79 and a 3930K (going from the X58 and an i7-960). I didn't see a whole lot of improvement with gaming. It's a solid platform more so for many purposes outside of gaming, but many of the features you pay for are not necessary for a gaming system. Since I find myself gaming on this machine more than anything, my next CPU/mobo combo won't be marked as "enthusiast" like the X79 platform but rather a mainstream like ivy bridge or Haswell. I'm really not incredibly impressed with Sandy Bridge-E from a gaming standpoint.

Moving to the Haswell architecture and an i7- 4770 wouldn't be a bad idea because of the inherent speed improvements over the older architecture, but you'll get the best bang for your buck by simply adding a GPU to your current setup.

As a matter of fact, if you're having no issues with your current CPU and motherboard, you might just pick up the additional 670 first, run SLI on your current motherboard and hold off on the architecture upgrade until Intel really comes out with something that's a real jump in improvement over your current architecture. You will see a big improvement in your visuals and capabilities with two 670s on your current board.

Just another option for you to mull over.

Sven Skretting

Aug 25, 2013

I'm not very impressed with my current equipment, take WoW for example, it's lagging more than i think it should, and i've been told i needed a new CPU to ''smoothen'' things out because it's such a big game with a lot of things happening, but now i dont play that anymore but i would like to think when i pick up new games which requires a beast of a computer i would like to play it flawlessly.

MMORPGs tend to be CPU heavy (and in some cases, not using more than a single core). A new CPU might help, but some of that lag could be connection-related or server-related on the Blizzard side. Hopefully, a new CPU will do what you need it to for these cases.

On the other hand, most modern (non-MMORPG) games are going to appropriately allocate more of the load to the GPUs. BF3 is a good example where GPU power is king.

But if you tend toward the MMORPG-type games, you'll gain a good dose of CPU speed by upgrading the CPU/mobo to i7-4770/Z87-plus. If you know you're not going to need more than two video cards at any point in time, the Z87 platform is a good way to go.