Setup Eyefinity help me please

I have not been able to find anywhere that someone actually got 120/144Hz monitors to work with AMD. AMD's 3 screen setup requirements dictate a display port be used rendering 120/144 Hz non functional.

I have seen peeps recommend $80 - $100+ active display port adapters but also have seen from posts saying that the users had no luck. And when ya get it to work, it's problematic....apparently only option is 3 monitors with display poirt

This is all because of DisplayPort - on an NVIDIA-based configuration, and all dual-link DVI, it just detects and works. There's just magic, and I love it. With AMD, and their decision to force DisplayPort, it does not like 120Hz at all.

This isn't a major issue for AMD, or most consumers, but for those who want to run one of the most harshest configurations on a GPU - triple screens at 120Hz - don't buy AMD, or at least, buy all DisplayPort-capable screens.

With DisplayPort-capable screens, the above issues disappear. I haven't personally tested three DisplayPort and 120Hz-capable screens in EyeFinity, but I don't see how it wouldn't work. It's the conversion process and the dual-link DVI monitors that are getting in my way. I just wish AMD would support this configuration. It's not like it's some super unique cheapo monitor setup that I have.


Aug 31, 2013

So even if a monitor have 120hz must have displayport to be exploited by the Eyefinity right?